On January 7, no precipitation is expected in the capital during the day. However, by evening, rain will be possible in some areas. The wind will be from the northeast, shifting to the southeast later. The temperature will drop at night to +4 to +6°C, with daytime temperatures ranging from +7 to +10°C. Humidity will be between 65-75%.
Rain, as well as heavy showers is expected in other parts of the country. A moderate western wind is expected. In lowland areas, temperatures at night will range from +1 to +5°C, and during the day, from +7 to +12°C. In the mountains, temperatures will drop to -10°C at night, with daytime temperatures ranging from -2°C to +3°C.
- Social
- 6 January 2025 16:08
The Rome Institute of European Design (IED) has granted a full tuition waiver to Azerin Gasymly, a third-year student and daughter of Azerbaijani political activist Azer Gasymly, who is currently detained on charges of extortion. The institute’s decision follows an appeal from Gasymly’s family, citing financial hardship due to her father's imprisonment, which they claim is politically motivated.
Over the past 24 hours, the streets of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina have been flooded due to heavy rains. The floods washed away roads and vehicles. Many other towns in Saudi Arabia have also been affected by the flooding. At the same time, a powerful earthquake struck Tibet, with the latest reports indicating that more than 100 people have been killed.
It has been reported that the number of infant deaths in Azerbaijan is on the rise. While the official statistics for the previous year have yet to be disclosed, the number of infants who died before reaching one year of age reached 2,039 in 2023. This figure is 2.1 times higher compared to 2022. Among every 1,000 live births, 18.1 infants (or 1.8%) died before their first birthday.
On January 8 in Baku and Absheron there will be rains, in some places intense. Precipitation will stop at noon. Wind is south-eastern. Air temperature at night +4+8, during the day +8+11. Humidity 75-85%.
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