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Baku/21.06.23/Turan: The residents of Soyudlu village of Gedabey region held another protest rally on June 21. They marched to the police building and demanded the release of the protesters detained the day before.

The protesters also condemned police violence at yesterday's rally.

"I have a spinal hernia and recently underwent surgery. I was pushed yesterday and fell down. They used gas (tear gas) against us, we couldn't breathe. I demand land, my rights," said a local resident.

The police blocked the protesters' way.

Orhan Mursalov, the head of the Gedabey region executive power, came out to them.

The official said that the task of the state is to protect the health and safety of citizens and he, as plenipotentiary representative of the President, is dealing with this.

At the same time Mursalov complained that "sometimes the residents are wrongly informed".

"This lake has been in existence for 11 years. You have not expressed dissatisfaction with it so far and it has not posed any threat to anyone in the past years. Let's wait for expert opinion regarding the lake. If your concern is related to health, then we will keep this issue under serious consideration. Beyond any doubts,the lake cannot be damaging to people's health.

We live in this area. I also live near the lake. Do you think - knowing that there is a threat there, would I live there?" said the region head.

Residents, on the other hand, said cases of cancer and other diseases in the village increased after the lake was created.

At the same time, Mursalov emphasized that the gold mine's operations have had a positive impact on the local population's livelihood. Total of 117 residents of the village are employed there.

He also denied allegations about the construction of a second lake.

As for the lack of pasture lands, the head of the region said that such areas are sufficient and the population uses them.

Mursalov also said that after the mining is completed, the surrounding areas will be reclaimed, returned to their previous condition and made available to the villagers again.

However, the official did not give a timeline for this.

After that, 15 representatives together with Mursalov went to the region administration, while others continued the action.

On June 20, police officers used special means to disperse a protest action by residents of the Soyudlu village of the Gedabey region against the construction of an artificial reservoir for the discharge of waste from gold ore mining at the "Gedabey" mine.

According to local residents, about 10 people were injured during the confrontation.  Five protesters were administratively arrested and another protester was fined. -21В-

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