Тале Багирзаде

Тале Багирзаде

Baku / 14.02.19 / Turan: The leader of the Muslim Unity Movement, Thale Bagirzade, continues his hunger strike for 14 days in the Gobustan prison, Turan was told by his wife Leyla Ismailzade, who had a short-term meeting with him the day before.

According to her, it was not an ordinary meeting, but was held in the office of the chief.

"We had no information about Thale for 15 days. The boss accepted us and began to refute the pressure on him. We asked why he did not call home, although his mother was seriously ill and was operated on. The boss said that Thale allegedly did not want to call. However, when she met with Thale he said that this was not true, he was not allowed to call. Addressing the prison director, he said: "You don"t give at least 1-2 minutes to talk with my family."

Thale also said that his hands were injured and he was threatened with gangrene," the spouse said.

He further said that he himself had refused to meet with a lawyer so as not to create problems for him, so that "another lawyer would lose his job."

Further, Bagirzade said that he is continuing the hunger strike in protest against pressure on him and other people convicted of the Nardaran events, and especially Jabbar Jabbarov.

According to his wife, the meeting with her husband lasted five minutes, after which Bagirzade left the room in protest. "He looked sluggish and very excited," - said the spouse.

It should be noted that the Prison Service refutes statements about the hunger strike by Bagirzade and some of the other prisoners.

Bagirzade was arrested in November 2016 during a special operation in Nardaran, and sentenced to 20 years in prison on charges of terrorism and other serious crimes. Local human rights defenders recognized them as political prisoners. -06B-

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