Мустафa Гаджибейли

Мустафa Гаджибейли

Baku / 05.02.19 / Turan: The Baku Court of Grave Crimes chaired by Sabuhi Huseynov continued the trial of the criminal case of Mustafa Hajibeyli, editor-in-chief of the Bastainfo.com website.

At the trial, the testimony of the witness Arzukhanim Mammadova was heard. The witness stated that she was not working anywhere, and she is a member of the New Azerbaijan Party since the 90s. On July 7, she visited her son, who is serving a sentence in a correctional institution. Upon returning home, she read the Basta website: "I experienced a shock, after reading some articles, I was very excited. They called people to the rally, to unrest. After that, I immediately went to the Baku city prosecutor"s office and wrote a statement, gave it to the investigator named Elchin. I was there once when I gave the statement. "

Mustafa Hajibeyli asked the witness a question about how to spell the domain address of the website where she read the articles, to which Mammadova replied: "Basta.com. I know everything, so do not try to confuse me. I have a profile on social networks where I express my opinion." When asked what articles on the website excited her, the witness replied that she was frightened by articles about events in Ganja and Mingachevir, but could not answer the question about the name of the articles and started saying that the articles called for riots and rallies. Mammadova also stated that the articles were published on the website under the heading Musavat Party. At this time, the judge, referring to the witness, called her specifically to answer questions, without comment, to which Mammadova remarked: "Why should I not speak? I came here to argue. They are Musavatists, they call people to rallies. Who needs these rallies? " The judge again interrupted the witness, once again calling to speak on the merits.

Then Mustafa Hajibeyli asked the witness a question about what she lives on, since she is unemployed. The witness replied that she worked as an accountant in several stores. Judge Huseynov asked if she gets paid and if she pays taxes. Mammadova answered in the affirmative.

To the question of Hajibeyli about how many times she was in the prosecutor"s office, the witness once again stated that she was there once in the evening on July 7. Hajibeyli replied that the case file indicated that the witness was in the Baku city prosecutor"s office twice - on July 7 and 23, when she testified in the case.

The interrogation of the witness was completed on this, and Judge Sabuhi Huseynov scheduled the next trial on February 12. -0-

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