Will Javanshir Feyziev  be deprived of his deputy mandate?

Baku/05.11.21/Turan: A message from the NCA (National Crime Agency) of Great Britain about the arrest of 15 million pounds (20.5 million dollars) in the bank accounts of family members of the deputy of the Milli Majlis (MM) Javanshir Feyziyev becoming the agenda raised many questions.  The main question  is will Feyziev, who is being persuaded in connection with the laundering of dirty money, be deprived of his deputy mandate?

Public activist Bakhtiyar Hajiyev will answer these and other questions in the "Difficult Question" program presented by Kamran Mahmudov.

According to him, not only in the Milli Mejlis, but also in the central executive bodies, people who do not violate laws are very rare. “Members of any state structure, including the Milli Mejlis, contrary to the requirements of the Law, are engaged in entrepreneurial activity. And not only are their activities illegal, they are also not competitive. In most cases, the primary capital, profits measured in tens, hundreds of millions and even billions, they earned not in market competition, but at the expense of the state budget,” the activist said.

According to Hajiyev, viewing the purchases made by pharmaceutical firms of Javanshir Feyziyev on e-commerce portals will reveal that tenders for tens of millions have been provided to the deputy's firms by government agencies to carry out these purchases. “All this, of course, is illegal, but I do not think that due to the fact that the NCA is investigating in connection with the activities of Javanshir Feyziyev, he will be deprived of his mandate or even any discussion in the MM commissions will begin. This is possible only in one case - if only Javanshir Feyziev allows a "political jamb", i.e. will be guilty before the authorities,” Hajiyev is sure.

In his opinion, deprivation of a deputy's mandate can occur only with the consent of the head of state and by no means for violation of the law.

In this regard, the story connected with the deputy Eldaniz Salimov is indicative. Beating on July 29 in the restaurant "Stary Dvor" in the city of Khachmaz of an officer of the Khachmaz district police department got away with it. There are many such examples of deputies' impunity.—0—


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