8.9% of registered companies - entities with 100% foreign capital

In 2012, in Azerbaijan there were 5,417 commercial entities. This is 5.4% more than in 2011. Turan was the Committee said.

For the year as there were 65 799 individuals (14.2%), which will engage in entrepreneurial activities without creating a legal entity.

In the overall structure of the registration of commercial entities in 2012 only 7.6% are legal entities. For example, in Georgia, the rate in 2012 was 37.1%.

In the transition to the principle of "one stop shop" for state registration of commercial entities in the Ministry of Taxes main task was to simplify the procedures so that employers would prefer the legal type of activity. However, as claimed by the entrepreneurs themselves, they are attracted to such an individual, which established a simplified form of the financial and tax reporting.

On the sources of funding, most of the registered commercial legal entities account for local individuals - 4653 (2011 - 4298). There have been registered 483 companies with 100% foreign capital (2011 - 440). Another 124 companies established with the participation of local and foreign capital (2011 - 124). The government has set up 154 ??companies (2011 - 268). Three out of the five established companies were registered in the city of Baku. - 08B-


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