Azerbaijan entangled by fictitious companies

The vast majority of new companies registered in Azerbaijan were established by a certain group of people. To this conclusion came Turan news after analyzing data on state registration of commercial entities.

Informed sources claim that these persons have informal contacts with the customs authority of Azerbaijan, via which their import and export operations.

According to an analysis conducted by the agency Turan, only for the period from 18 November 2013 to 9 January this year in the country were established 1,502 companies. Almost half of them, i.e. 700 companies are the "product" of 20. As a rule, the registered capital of these companies ranges from 5-10 manats. These meager data included in the register of commercial entities , confirm that during the day in the name of these people in different regions of the country established several companies. That is one and the same person, for example, Mammadov Abulfaz Inshallah Oglu creates a large number of companies both in Baku and in three regions of the country (Lankaran, Sabirabad and Gedabey).

Simple calculations show that only one person at this time was able to pass 63 companies through the state registration. In other words, within 34 working days, attributable to the named period, Mamedov A. "produced" an average of 2 per day.

And the championship at the "competition" to create the greatest number of companies from November 18 to January 9 was won by Agarahim Garibshah Oglu Mammadov - 76 companies. Turan agency has already written about this man that before he instituted numerous companies and led them himself.

Among those who became famous in such races can be called Teymur Memin Oglu Aliyev (69 companies), Fargan Etibar Oglu Jafarly (74), Elvin Jamil oglu Askerov (67 ) Mehman Dzhanmirza Oglu Mirzaliyev (35), Allahyar Adysh Oglu Mirzoev (31 ) , Shamil Ramadan Oglu Ganbaev (36), Agil Dadash Oglu Dadashov (18) and Sayyad Mirhasan Oglu Huseynov (14).

Creating numerous companies in different parts of the country, these people have a kind of support for regional development. And in fact, such "regional diversification" is a maneuver to conceal the true purpose. In this sense, the name LLC Bluff given by one of those people to his next company rather speaks about the nature of all the phenomena.

Is not it strange? How can one person manage so many companies? Do people whose names we first hear, collect the names of companies? But providing regular reports dormant companies at least three public authorities do require considerable resources.

A source, who requested anonymity, told Turan, that these companies are established for the customs clearance of imported goods. "Abulfaz Mamedov knows. Part of goods imported into Azerbaijan individuals imported into the country through the clearance at his company. Of course, import through one man of all general goods worth billions of dollars is unprofitable. Therefore the State Customs Committee (SCC) has set such "5-day" companies," said the source.

At the heart of the pyramid is created monopoly formed Customs Azerbaijan. So, there are certain individuals have a monopoly on the entire range of goods, and without their knowledge, no one can bring anything to Azerbaijan. And in case of disagreement with mandatory for all "rules of the game" items can get stuck in customs for several months.

According to the source, the value added tax paid on goods imported through fictitious companies cashed in the next step and assigned.

According to the report of the SCC in 2013, import-export business in the country engaged approximately 7,000 subjects. Of these, 3,587 subjects were private companies and 3,132 were individuals. - 08B-


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