New Cars for BTK

While the trains for the route Baku - Sumgayit were bought at the Minsk plant of the Swiss company Stadler Rail Group, passenger sleeping cars for the Baku - Tbilisi - Kars railway project will be made at the head office located in Bussnang.

According to the report of CJSC Azerbaijani Railways, the first 10 cars on its order will be delivered to the capital in July or August next year. Overall, the order within the framework of the regional project envisages the production of 30 passenger sleeping cars. The cars of the "standard", "business", "comfort" and "restaurant" categories will be designed for 10, 20 and 32 seats.

Recall, according to the contract signed by the parties on June 11, 2014, the aggregate value of 30 cars is 120 million Swiss francs (1.03 to the US dollar). The order includes the supply of 27 sleeping cars and 3 dining cars for 28 people each. In addition to the trains, to be delivered in the period from mid-2016 to mid-2017, the contract also includes the supply of a full package of spare parts and maintenance of the personnel training.

The BTK railroad has been built since 2008. From the Turkish Kars to the Georgian Akhalkalaki there is 98 km (68 km in Turkey and 30 km in troubled parts of Georgia, where ethnic Armenians live). In addition, the project provides for the reconstruction of the 183 km section Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi in Georgia.

Azerbaijan allocated two soft loans totaling $ 775 million to the Georgian side. --17D-

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