Shareholders are unhappy with the demolition of the hotel "Baku" against their will

Today, a group of shareholders of "Mehmanxana Baki" held a protest against the illegal demolition of the hotel in the center of Baku. The shareholders claim that the demolition of the building is carried out without a legal decision of the shareholders. 

Owner 1% stake "Mehmanxana Baki" Ramiz Aliyev rocks reporters that the decision to demolish the building was taken at the general meeting of shareholders is 2007. However, since that time, the supreme governing body of JSC never going to and execution of the decision of the current Supervisory Board and the Management Board of the legislation is contrary, as their term of office shall not exceed three years. Aliyev said that he e-known plans for a liberated territory, as they do not provide this information.

The shareholder Kamal Huseynov said that this summer a 95% stake (850 thousand) was sold by their owner Rauf Karimov on the exchange. Whether the transaction is formal, or indeed a new shareholder, they do not know, as a general shareholders' meeting is not held, they are not provided the registrar. 

Shareholders stressed that they are concerned about the actions of unrepentant actually illegitimate structures of "Mehmanxana Baki" and that may lose their property, which is the authorized capital of the company. 

The shareholders appealed to the court to suspend the removal of the hotel to explain the situation. 

The Chairman of the Board of "Mehmanxana Baki" Khanlar Abbas told Turan that everything is going, according to the legislation and does not violate the rights of the shareholders. 

The shareholders found it difficult to name the person who is hiding behind these processes. It is assumed that the hotel belongs to Beylar Eyyubov, head of the Presidential Guard. - 08C- 


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