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The State Department said on Thursday that it supports "the swift confirmation" of all of its nominees, as a year passed since President Biden's pick for Ambassador nominee to Azerbaijan, TURAN's Washington correspondent reports.

The White House still wants career diplomat Mark Libby, whose nomination has been stalled at the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee for a year, to serve as his ambassador to Azerbaijan.

Libby, who currently serves as a State Department Faculty Advisor at the National War College in Washington, D.C, is yet to receive a hearing from the Senate Committee, led by Senator Bob Menendez, known for his strong ties to the U.S. Armenian lobby,

"We support the swift confirmation of all of our nominees, and if you have any further questions about it, you should probably direct them to Capitol Hill," State Department spokesperson Matrhew Miller told TURAN's Washington correspondent when asked about Libby's nomination.

A spokesperson to the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee did not respond to a request for comment on Thursday.

Alex Raufoglu

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