

Almaty/13.01.22/Turan: A ceremony of completing a CSTO peacekeeping operation in Kazakhstan was held in Almaty on January 13.

Contingents of the CSTO Collective Peacekeeping Forces marched in a solemn procession.

Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, Stanislav Zas, who addressed the participants of the operation, stated that the CSTO peacekeeping operation held in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the request of the country's leadership is coming to an end. "In keeping with the will of the Kazakhstan side, the peacekeepers will be sent to their permanent deployment points as planned."

"The peacekeeping operation in the territory of Kazakhstan became the first real deployment of the CSTO Collective Forces where your professionalism and coordinated actions clearly demonstrated that our states are ready in any circumstances, shoulder to shoulder, in a single combat formation to protect the common security space. You have demonstrated that the defense potential of the CSTO is highly effective and really working," said the Secretary General.

He noted that "thanks to the collective coordinated actions of CSTO peacekeepers, the armed forces and law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the situation in the country has stabilized.

The collective peacekeeping forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization were sent for a limited period of time to stabilize and normalize the situation in Kazakhstan in accordance with the decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council adopted on January 6, 2022.-0-


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