Heads of 52 NGOs demand the release of Ilgar Mammadov and Tofig Yagublu

    Heads of 52 civil society organizations of Azerbaijan issued a joint statement in connection with the arrest of the head of the "Civil Alternative" Movement, Ilgar Mammadov and deputy head of the party "Musavat", Tofig Yagublu. The  text of the statement:

We, the undersigned civil society organizations, consider the arrest of Republican Alternative Movement chairman and potential presidential candidate Ilgar Mammadov and Yeni Musavat newspaper journalist and Musavat Party deputy chairman Tofig Yagublu to be politically motivated and call for immediate release and withdrawal of the trumped up charges against them.

As such, Ilgar Mammadov and Tofig Yagublu were sentenced to two months in pretrial detention by February 4 decision of Nasimi District Court. They are incriminated under Articles 233 and 315.2  (Public offence) of the Criminal Code by the Department on Investigation of Grave Crimes under the Prosecutor General’s Office. 

Preliminary investigations, which we conducted, revealed that Mammadov and Yagublu went to Ismayilli one day after the protests started, while it was the first day of protests (late on January 23) when the protesters set fire to the hotel and luxurious cars belonging to high-ranking officials. Mammadov and Yagublu arrived in Ismayilli in the afternoon of January 24, talked to local people in the presence of journalists and asked about the causes of the protests. They did nothing illegal there. On the contrary, Yagublu performed his professional duties as a journalist, and, as a public figure, Mammadov tried to learn the true causes of the protests directly from local residents themselves.  

At first, law-enforcement agencies and government described the Ismayilli protest as an exaggerated dispute caused by a traffic accident, and a few days later they hastily accused the opposition of organizing the protest in order to conceal true causes of the protest. 

Functionaries of the ruling party try to convince the public that Mammadov and Yagublu were interested in aggravating the situation, saying that they arrived in Ismayilli while the protests were taking place. The absurdity of these allegations is proved by the visit of New Azerbaijan Party leadership and MPs representing this party to Ismayilli on January 25. It turns out that the purpose of ruling party functionaries’ visit to Ismayilli was to ease tensions, while the oppositionists tried to incite riots. While the fact is that local residents were protesting against the abuse of power. The protest in Ismayilli reached culminating point on the first day (late on January 23), i.e. protests were less intense on January 24 and the next day (late on January 25) they completely ended.   

Our investigations revealed once again that the true cause of the mass public protest was behavior of relatives of Ismayilli mayor Nizami Alakbarov, who in a traffic accident insulted the local people. Therefore the protesters demanded resignation of the mayor and set fire to the hotel belonging to his nephew, and at the same time the son of the minister for social protection Fuzuli Alakbarov. A recent speech by President Ilham Aliyev also suggests that the true cause of the protests was arbitrariness of government officials and their relatives. All of this suggests that the true reason behind the protests in Ismayilli is abuse of power by government officials, and once again demonstrates the absurdity of law-enforcement agencies’ attempts to accuse Mammadov and Yagublu of organizing these protests. 

We are therefore calling on the Azerbaijani government to show political will by conducting progressive reforms in the field of freedom of expression and assembly which are very important with respect to elections. We urge the government to immediately release Ilgar Mammadov and Tofig Yagublu, as well as other jailed journalists and political prisoners.  We believe that as country, which will chair the European Council for six months in 2014 and will host European Olympic Games in 2015, Azerbaijan must be loyal to European values and ensure free and fair elections in October this year.

We also call on the OSCE and Council of Europe to pay closer attention to what is happening in Azerbaijan, urge the government to abide by its human rights obligations and take other necessary steps.  –06D--



list of signatories of the Joint Statement of Azerbaijani civil society organizations on the arrest of Republican Alternative Movement chairman Ilgar Mammadov and Yeni Musavat newspaper journalist and Musavat Party deputy chairman Tofig Yagublu







Organization /Təşkilat

Email/elektron poзt ьnvanı


Rauf Arifoğlu

"Yeni Musavat"

Yeni Musavat newspaper



Mehman Əliyev

Turan İnformasiya Agentliyi

Turan News Agency



Novella Cəfəroğlu

Azərbaycan Qadın Hüquqlarını Müdafiə Cəmiyyəti

Association for the Protection of Women's Rights


Rahim Haciyev

Azadlıq qəzeti

Azadliq newspaper


Səidə Qocamanlı

İnsan Hüquqları və Qanuna Hörmət Bьrosu

Bureau of Human Rights and Law Respect


İntiqam Əliyev


Hьquq Maarifзiliyi Cəmiyyəti İB

Legal Education Society Public Union



Qubad İbadoğlu


İctimai Təşəbbüslər Mərkəzi İB

Public Initiative Center



Sədaqət Paşayeva

D. Əliyeva adına AQHMC

Association for the Protection of Women's Rights


Arzu Abdullayeva


Helsinki Vətəndaş Assembleyasının Az. Milli Komitəsi

Azerbaijan National Committee of Helsinki Citizens Assembly



Səadət Bənəyarlı


Azerbaijan National Group of the International Society of Human Rights


İlqar Hüseynli

Sosial-Strateji Tədqiqatlar və Analitik Araşdırmalar İB

Social Strategic Studies and Analytical Investigations Public Union


İlqar İbrahimoğlu




Centre for Protection of Freedom of Conscience and Religion


Sevil Allahverdiyeva



Qadın Problemlərinin Tədqiqatları Mərkəzi

Women Problems Examination Centre






Rafiq Təmrazov

Bərabər İmkanlar Mərkəzi İB

Center for Equal Opportunities



İmranova Aytəkin

İslam, Demokratiya və İnsan Haqları Mərkəzi

Center for Islam, Democracy and Human Rights


Leila Alieva

Milli və Beynəlxalq Araşdırmalar Mərkəzi

Center for National

and International Studies



Arastun Oruclu

Şərq-Qərb Araşdırmalar Mərkəzi

"East-West" Research Center



İlham Hüseynli


 "Demokratik İnkişaf və İqtisadi Əməkdaşlıq" İB 

Democratic Development and Economic Partnership Public Union


Mireli Huseynov




"Demokratiyanı Öyrənmə" İB

Democracy Learning Public Union


Hafiz Hasanov

"Hьquq və İnkişaf" İB

Law and Development

Public Association


Mirvari Gahramanli

"Neftзilərin Hьquqlarını Müdafiə Komitəsi "İB

Committee for the Protection of Oilworkers' Rights


Alasgar Mammadli

İREX Hüquqşünas

IREX lawyer


Alovsat Aliyev


"Azərbaycan Miqrasiya Mərkəzi" İB

Azerbaijan Migration Center


Leyla Yunus


"Sьlh və Demokratiya İnstitutu" İB

Peace and Democracy Institute


Oqtay Gulaliyev

Demokratik İslahatlar Uğrunda Cəmiyyət (DIUC)

For the Sake of Democratic Reforms Union



Hikmət Hacızadə



Anar Orucov

Qafqaz Media Tedqiqatlar Merkezi Caucasus Media Investigations Center


Eldar Zeynlov

İnsan Hüquqların Müdafiə Mərkəzi İB

Center for Protection of Human Rights



Malahat Nasibova


Demokratiya və QHT-lərin İnkişaf Resurs mərkəzi İB

Democracy and NGO Development Resource Center


Elcin Abdullayev


Demokratik Təsisatlar və İnsan Hüquqları ictimai birliyi

Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Public Union



Əhməd Abbasbəyli

Cəmiyyətin və Vətəndaş Münasibətlərinin İnkişafı İB

Development of Society and Civil Relations Public Union


Annagi Hacibayli

Azərbaycan Hьquqзular Assosiasiyası

Azerbaijan Lawyers Association



Mьzəffər Baxışov

Hьquqi Dцvlət Araşdırmalar Fondu

State Legal Research Foundation


Irada Javadova

"İnsan Hüquqları üzrə Maarifləndirmə" İB

Education on Human Rights Public Assocaition


Sabit Bagirov

Sahibkarlığın və bazar İqtisadiyyatının inkişafına yardım Fondu

State Entrepreneurship and Market Economy Assistance Fund



Xalid Bagirov





Rəsul Cəfərov

İnsan Hüquqları Klubu

Human Rights Club Public Union



Nasrulla Nurullayev

Ahıl Ziyalılara Qayğı İB

Care for the Elderly Intellectuals Public Union

nnurullayev@ gmail.com


Zцhrab İsmayıl


Azad İqtisadiyyata Yardım İB

Public Association for Assistance to Free Economy



Taleh Əliyev

Vətəndaş Cəmiyyəti İnstitutu İB

Civil Society İnstitute Public Union



Fuad Həsənov

Demokratiya Monitoru İB

Democracy Monitor Public Union


Samir Kazımlı

Siyasi Azadlıqların Müdafiə Alyansı

Alliance for Defense of Political Freedoms


İdrak Abbasov



Ekstremal Jurnalistika İnstitutu İB

Institute of Extreme Journalism Public Union


Anar Mammadli

Seзkilərin monitorinqi və Demokratiyanın Tədrisi Mərkəzi

Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Center




Ziya Quliyev

Hьquq Təşəbbьsləri Məktəbi

School of Law Initiatives


Emin Hьseynov

Reportyorların Azadlıq və Təhlükəsizlik İnstitutu İB


Lamiya Mammadova

Azərbaycan Hьquqşьnaslar Assosiasiyası

Azerbaijan Lawyers Association


Asima Nasirli

Feminist Qadınlar Hərəkatı

Feminist Women Movement


Bəxtiyar Hacıyev

Mьsbət Dəyişiklik Gənclər hərəkatı Positive Change Youth Movement



Xalid Kazımov


Regional İnsan Hüquqları və Media Mərkəzi İB

Regional Human Rights and Media Center


Ulvi Hasanli


"Azad Gənclik" Təşkilatı

Free Youth Organization



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