Jamil Hasanly Calls on Intelligentsia Not to Remain Indifferent to Fate of Nation

Baku / 26.11.18 / Turan: The Chairman of the National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF), Professor Jamil Hasanly appealed to the intelligentsia, urging it not to remain indifferent to the problems of the country and the fate of the nation.

He was motivated by the actions of the authorities on November 17, when on the National Revival Day the police prohibited laying flowers on the Martyrs Alley at the graves of those who gave their lives for the freedom and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

Dozens of people, including Hasanly himself and the leader of the Popular Front Party Ali Kerimli, were detained.

What happened was unreasonable, illegal, unfair, but not tragic, Hasanli said.

"The tragedy is in the indifference of society in connection with depriving citizens of the right to visit the graves of the Martyrs, who won independence for the country. The tragedy is in our silence in relation to the devaluation of our independence and the memory of the Martyrs.

Doesn"t this country have an intelligentsia that sees to what abyss, what kind of severe tragedy they are pushing the people?!" Hasanly writes.

Today, republican values proclaimed 100 years ago at the cost of blood and torment by prominent representatives of the national intelligentsia are being trampled upon. Hasanli calls on those who love the republic not to allow its final extinction.

He believes the people are immersed in poverty and oppression, arbitrariness reigns, and the population is treated like prisoners. "Doesn"t the Azerbaijani intelligentsia see this tragedy ?!" Hasanly notes.

"Silence for this means reconciliation with the loss of a part of the Motherland, which has been under enemy occupation for 25 years," Hasanly says.

He also expresses outrage at the illegal actions to find "traitors" in the army after April 2016.

Isn"t it time to bring to account the real traitors who killed the innocent? After this, similar iniquities are carried out by the special services, killing people without trial or investigation under the pretext of fighting "terrorists".

The Armenians, having staged a peaceful revolution, set a course for European integration, and the leader of the Karabakh separatists is invited to the capitals of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair countries. At this time, Azerbaijan turns its eyes to Belarus, Turkmenistan and North Korea.

Hasanly regrets that a significant part of the Azerbaijani intelligentsia is facing a choice - on the one hand, honor and dignity, on the other - children's well-being, privileges, material wealth and rewards.

"We do not urge you to abandon the Nobel Prize, like Jean Paul Sartre, or to go into the trenches, putting forward political demands and making a revolution. We urge you to show a sense of responsibility and not remain indifferent to the process of turning the country into a hostage of one family," Hasanly concludes. -06D--

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