Leyla Yunus and Intigam Aliyev call on to boycott the Working Group

“On Friday  Leyla Yunus  called from  the prison in  Kurdakhani, and asked me to  convey  the following,”  a journalist Khadija Ismailova wrote on her Facebook page. "Today, at the courthouse, I had the opportunity to meet and talk with Intigam Aliyev. I express our general opinion on the Working Group on Political Prisoners:

We have not the slightest confidence in the group. We call on the people we respect, not to take part in this performance. This group was created for fraud. It helps the government to create the appearance of a dialogue, at the time, there is as not real desire to release political prisoners not. It is a circus, and self-respecting people should not participate in this farce," said Yunus. -16D-

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