National Council gets more support

Session of the leaders of a new political alliance – the Union of Democratic Forces – took place yesterday at the headquarters of the Open Society party.

The alliance also includes National Independence party, Classical Popular Front, Liberal party, Great Azerbaijan, People’s Freedom and Islamic Democratic party.

These seven parties are also members of the Consultative Mejlis of Democratic Forces, which consists of 12 parties, created in September 2012.

Sulhaddin Akper, leader of the Open Society party, told Turan's correspondent that decisions of the Union of Democratic Forces are obligatory.

The goals of the Union coincide with the goals of the National Council of Democratic Forces, which are conduct of free and fair presidential elections and implementation of democratic reforms.

Participants of the first session have discussed the pre-election situation and monitoring of elections.

It was decided to submit information about the plans of the Union to hold monitoring in Azerbaijan to the European Parliament.

It has been also decided to create a special group to develop foreign ties of the Union.—0—


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