What is the reason for unusual restraint of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry?

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry which two days ago cursed  the US co-chair of OSCE Minsk Group James Warlick  and used the words which are far from the  diplomatic expressions, showed uncharacteristic restraint in respect of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who said the same thing  that Warlick said .

On 4 November the  PACE  Political Affairs Committee  approved a draft resolution that called to withdraw the Armenian armed forces from Nagorno-Karabakh and other occupied territories of Azerbaijan, as well as to recognize the full sovereignty of Azerbaijan over the said territory in the framework of the Minsk process.

The report was criticized by the American co-chair Warlick, who in his microblog on Twitter wrote: "Before approving any reports or resolutions regarding the Karabakh conflict the  PACE or other international organizations must first consult with the OSCE Minsk Group."

This statement caused a storm in Baku, which condemned Warlick. The OSCE Minsk Group has not made even the slightest progress in resolving the Karabakh conflict, and the US co-chair has no right and reason to advise and recommend to other organizations on the settlement, said a spokesman for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Hikmat Hajiyev. The results of the OSCE Minsk Group are equal to zero, so other international organizations  trying to contribute to the settlement of the conflict, should not consult with the OSCE Minsk Group,  the  activity  of which is meaningless, Hajiyev said.

Futile activity of the Minsk Group serves the interests of Armenia, "it is possible that James Warlick is an integral element of the plan serving the continuation of the aggressive policy of Armenia," concluded Hajiyev. However, on 9  November  the  Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the same things in Yerevan, and all the zeal of the  press secretary of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has disappeared off somewhere.

"Any abrupt, radical actions, whoever they were made, only cause harm to the activity of the   co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group," Lavrov said, commenting on the report of  Robert Walter.

"We - Russia, France and the United States firmly oppose discussing  the Nagorno Karabakh settlement at various international platforms, which are not engaged in the settlement, instead of  a consequent, business, patient dialogue.  At least no one  has given them such an order on behalf of the international community," said Lavrov. It would seem now  that Hikmat Hajiyev and his chiefs will give a principled assessment to  the next Armenian insidious conspiracy, but it was not so.

"We share the opinion expressed at the press conference that the OSCE Minsk Group should act on the basis of agreements between Azerbaijan and Armenia, as confirmed by the relevant UN Security Council resolutions," said Hajiyev,  who for some reason forgot to show  Lavrov his place. However, he gave a principled assessment of the work of the OSCE Minsk Group, which  did not meet the UN Security Council mandate. -02D-

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