Toivo Klaar. Photo TURAN.

Toivo Klaar. Photo TURAN.

Baku/12.03.21/Turan: During the meeting with the President of Azerbaijan, substantive discussions were held on the possibility of the EU's participation in restoring relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Toivo Klaar, the EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, said this in an exclusive interview with Turan, answering the question: Does the EU plan to implement any projects with the participation of the media and civil society aimed at restoring relations between the societies of Armenia and Azerbaijan?

“We have been working in this direction for many years, in establishing such ties. The war interrupted our work, but I think in the coming months and years we will resume activities to build bridges between the societies of Armenia and Azerbaijan, between civil societies and ordinary people. I think, with the support of the Azerbaijani authorities and taking into account the experience of the EU, much can be achieved,” said Klaar.

How can civil society work if, since 2014, cooperation of independent NGOs with foreign donors has been virtually prohibited in Azerbaijan? In addition, the authorities do not consider it possible for the civil society of Azerbaijan to cooperate with colleagues from Armenia. Do you want to say that the position of official Baku has changed?

In response to these questions, the diplomat noted that at a meeting with Ilham Aliyev, he was "very inspired" by the position of the head of Azerbaijan. “He said unequivocally that he supported these efforts and I believe that the authorities want this. I am an optimist and I really think that this is a very important task - building peace,” the European diplomat emphasized.

How do you assess the statement of Ilham Aliyev that the bilateral agreement between the EU and Azerbaijan is 90% agreed and that Azerbaijan will not sign an associative agreement with the EU, which is essentially an “instruction”?

To this question, the diplomat said that any agreement between the EU and any country is unique. Yes, it has been agreed by 90%, and at a meeting with the Hungarian Foreign Minister, President Aliyev confirmed that he intends to complete the matter and sign this agreement. “Therefore, we assess the position of Azerbaijan so that we can move forward. The ball is currently on the Azerbaijani side. We have submitted our proposals and are awaiting a response,” said Klaar.

What is included in this 10%?

 Klaar did not answer this question diplomatically, saying that until the agreement was concluded, its content was not disclosed. “But I am sure that goodwill exists on both sides and I felt it at the meeting with President Aliyev,” Klaar said.

The Azerbaijani side previously stated that it is ready for economic cooperation with the European Union and does not want to include political aspects in the future agreement, including issues of democracy, human rights, etc. Is it possible to sign an agreement that does not reflect these political priorities of the European Union?

The diplomat declined to answer this question as well, noting that if some points of the agreement are not agreed, then it is considered not agreed in full. Therefore, the disclosure of details or the content of negotiations is unacceptable.

Did he discuss issues of democracy and human rights in Azerbaijan at a meeting with Ilham Aliyev?

To this Klaar said that the internal issues of Azerbaijan were not touched upon at the meeting. “My mandate includes the topic of conflict,” he stressed.

What can the European Union do to resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict?

To this Klaar said that the European Union has long-term partnership relations with Armenia and Azerbaijan, which are members of the Eastern Partnership program. “Several weeks ago I was in Yerevan and there I discussed how the European Union can help. In Yerevan, Baku and Tbilisi, where I also discussed this, I heard the same thing - the wish that the European Union would help in normalizing relations and overcoming the legacy of conflicts in the region. We are here because this is the decision of our partners. We have extensive experience in solving problems and conflicts, establishing regional cooperation. All this is now needed here, so the European Union can do a lot and we hear proposals on this from all sides,” the diplomat said.

Some countries say that the Caucasus is a zone of their interests and that other forces should not be present here. What does the EU think about this?

To this question, Klaar said that he did not agree with such a statement and that this does not benefit anyone. “The more international involvement in the South Caucasus and economic support to the countries of the region, the better for these countries and for their neighbors. We want peace and prosperity in the Caucasus and this is beneficial for everyone,” Toivo Klaar emphasized. -02B-

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