Indeed, a 10% increase in the salary of district doctors of children's polyclinics, who receive 170 manat (AZN) a month, and the same procedure for MPs regard absolutely different amounts. From 1 May, according to the amendments to the law on the status of a member of the MM, the chairman of the parliament will receive AZN 2,475 (earlier it was AZN 2,250), his first deputy will receive AZN 2,227 (it was 2,015), deputy chairmen of the parliament will receive AZN 2,103 (it was AZN 1,912.5), chairmen of committees will receive AZN 1,980 (it was AZN 1,800), deputy chairmen of committees will receive AZN 1,856, and ordinary MPs will receive AZN 1,732 (it was 1,575). Taking into account the new rates for allowances for official trips and traveling, the speaker's salary will be AZN 3,712.5, his first deputy will receive AZN 3,340.5, deputy speakers will receive AZN 3,154.5, chairmen of committees will receive AZN 2,970, deputy chairmen of committees will receive AZN 2,784, and ordinary MPs will receive AZN 2,598.
However, as it turned out, the MPs were not very happy about this increase. In particular, the MP Gudrat Hasanguliyev believes that a 10% increase in his salary is nothing. According to him, the speaker of the MM should receive AZN 10,000 a month, and ordinary MPs should receive at least AZN 8,000.
Mr. Hasanguliyev did not limit himself to an analysis of the financial situation of his colleagues. He also touched upon the Azerbaijani ministers. "There is a successful Singaporean model. It would be useful to adopt this experience. The official salaries of our ministers should be at the rate of AZN 10,000 a month with further progress," he said.
This proposal sparked heated discussions and disputes in social networks. Participants express the most opposite opinions on this topic. On her Facebook page, the head of APA Holding Vusala Mahirgyzy wrote: "For MPs even AZN 8,000 a month is not enough. A person engaged in lawmaking and representing the country in international organizations should live well, eat, dress, and meet with voters. Everybody knows that no MP lives on AZN 1,800 a month now. They have additional earnings. Gudrat Hasanguliyev suggests that these sources should not be available, that MPs should receive legal income and pay taxes, and that our MP corps should consist not of businessmen, but of politicians."
The head of the Committee for the Protection of Oil Workers" Rights, Mirvari Gahramanli, did not stand aside from the discussion either. "80% of the MM members are materially provided people engaged in serious businesses. Are these incomes insufficient for them? The vast majority of the population lives below the poverty line. Why is the work of a scientist, a teacher, or a journalist less valuable than the work of a parliamentarian? Why are their salaries not increased many times? Do members of the MM think about this?" the human rights defender asked on her Facebook page.
According to the chairman of the League for the Protection of Workers" Rights, Sahib Mammadov, in addition to Singaporean, there is also a Georgian experience that deserves attention. In the early years of Saakashvili's presidency, when the economy was still in a depressing state, higher salaries of ministers were legally paid from the Soros Foundation in order to avoid corruption. Therefore, there were no facts of corruption and bribery, because the management system was improved, control was strengthened and the ministers knew that if they violated the law, they would face a severe punishment.
"Do you think a lawyer, a financier, or an independent expert who has an opportunity to earn decent money will agree to assume the post of minister with a salary of AZN 1,800? If so, then he has other interests. He knows that he will have hidden sources of income.
To eradicate corruption, officials and MPs should receive high salaries. Why not pay them AZN 8-10 thousand? But at the same time, it is necessary to raise the material well-being of other members of society, ensure transparency of state bodies, and close any loopholes for corruption. This struggle should be in deed, not on paper. Today, for our ministers, AZN 10 thousand not a month, but a day seems a small amount, because their needs and appetites are excessive," Mammadov said.
Doctor of Economic Sciences Fikret Yusifov suggests starting from the current situation. In his opinion, Gudrat Hasanguliyev"s suggestion does not reflect the reality in the country. With an average monthly salary of AZN 520, it is not logical to demand a salary of AZN 8,000 for MPs and AZN 10,000 for ministers.
"In some countries, perhaps, such salaries are normal, but the level of economy and people's wages are different there. Azerbaijan has not reached such a level of economic and social development. To increase salaries and pensions of different categories of the population, there should be financial and economic bases. Today, the financial situation in the country does not allow raising wages at an accelerated pace. Do not forget about the principle of social justice. How fair is it to pay salaries of AZN 8,000 to MPs, when doctors, teachers and librarians receive minimum wages? In addition, for what services and for what kind of "strenuous and unbearable work" should their salaries be raised like that?" the economist notes.
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