Newly Released Journalist Required Fine of 200,000 Manats

We are talking about the editor of the website Ikram Rahimov arrested at the end of last year on charges of libel and released recently. Az-Granata Ltd. filed a lawsuit against the journalist, Ikram Rahimov himself reported.

"This above-mentioned enterprise is dissatisfied with the article entitled Az-Granata Production Dangerous for Life, published on the website The company that produces juices and drinks sees damage to its business image in this article.

Az-Granata Ltd. appealed to the Masalli court, asking for a refutation and apology from the above-mentioned website. In addition, the plaintiff demands that the journalist and the website pay a fine of 200,000 manats. Ikram Rahimov rejects the charges.

The claim of Az-Granata LLC was accepted by the court for consideration. This is the third court hearing. The court will begin on December 18. Judge Firdovsi Aliyev will consider it.

The editor of the website Ikram Rahimov was arrested in 2016 on the basis of a complaint of the head of the Sumgait trade center Ucuz Market in the private definition order. Rahimov published a letter of the complainant R. Novruzov on the website. The letter stated that the head of this shopping center bribed the head of the city's executive power.

In November last year, the Sumgait City Court sentenced both the editor and the complainant Rahman Novruzov to one year's imprisonment under article 147.1 (libel). After his conviction, the editor through the lawyer said he was tortured while in police custody. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Sumgait Executive Power, refuted this statement of the editor.

On March 1, the Sumgait Court of Appeal released the editor and Rahman Novruzov, who complained about him to the press. Rahimov complained to the European Court about the decisions of the local courts. -0 -----

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