Автомобили лиц, напавших на журналиста

Автомобили лиц, напавших на журналиста

Radio Azadliq addressed to the Interior Minister of Azerbaijan Ramil Usubov, calling to investigate the attack on its colleague Islam Shikhaliyev in the smelting plant Atakhan Demir Senaye on May 16.

The journalist arrived at the factory in connection with information received about the raider seizure of the enterprise.

However, a group of people attacked Shikhaliyev and exerted physical pressure on him and took his camera and mobile phone, says the appeal of Radio Azadliq to Usubov.

What was happening was photographed and witnessed and the events were introduced by the video edition of Radio Azadliq. The video is on the link http://www.azadliqradiosu.az/content/daxili-i% C5% 9Fl% C9% 99r-naziri-ramil-usubova/25387117.html.

The attack on the journalist occurred in the presence of police officers, who instead of intervening chose to step aside.

"We demand the revelation of the perpetrators of violence against the journalist and the police officers who acted negligently and contributed to the violence, and the return of the camcorder Radio Azadliq, the appeal said.

Radio Azadliq intends to appeal with a complaint to the Prosecutor General.

Recall that according to Article 163 of the Criminal Code, "impeding the lawful professional activities of journalists" is a criminal offense.

The smelting plant Atakhan Demir Senaye is an Azerbaijani-Turkish joint venture established in 2003.

The Azerbaijani co-owner, former MP of Azerbaijan, Nazim Mammadov said the company has just recovered from a two-year hiatus.

However, on May 16, a group of persons in civilian clothes forced the company to stop work by threats.

According to Mammadov, as in the summer of 2012, the attackers were members of the "group of racketeers" of Rasim Mammadov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of LLC Baku Steel Company.

* In August 2012 the management of LLC Baku Steel Company attacked nearly 20 metallurgical enterprises in Baku and suspended their activities. These actions were widely publicized in the press, but criminal cases on these facts were not filed. Thereby Baku Steel Company has been established as a complete monopoly on the production of construction fittings and other metal products. Behind it is one of the most powerful factions in the government, which even tried to seize the Dashkesan iron ore deposit owned by another influential group. The conflict was forcibly intervened by the President, who transferred control of the mine to the Cabinet. -06D--

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