Ali Karimli: Resolution of the European Parliament is natural

The leader of the Popular Front Party (APFP) Ali Kerimli considered natural adoption of the resolution of the European Parliament condemning human rights violations and allowing sanctions against Azeri officials.

"We have said that this repression as a boomerang for the authorities, but they would not listen. We have warned that in the modern history of the world no head of the regime could achieve success by repression – they did not believe. And now they face "accounts". The latest "account" came from the European Parliament," Kerimli wrote on his page on Facebook.

On the number of political prisoners, the influential international media increasingly compare Azerbaijan with North Korea, and international organizations are increasingly talking about "inhumane actions of the regime" and call for a boycott of the European Games 2015 in Baku.

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Poland, Austria, and the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy reacted harshly to the political repression in Azerbaijan.

Former Assistant Secretary of State of the United States and now the head of Freedom House David Kramer made ​​a more specific statement and called for sanctions against officials who violate human rights. And again, the rulers of the country ignored the warning.

"And now the European Parliament adopted a special resolution on Azerbaijan. It is a very thorough and objective resolution.

It has been confirmed that the false propaganda of the regime did not deceive them. The Government of Azerbaijan faced very strong demands," writes Kerimli.

European Parliament urged to cease harassment of civil society activists, opposition politicians and independent journalists. They unconditional and immediate release of Leyla Yunus, Arif Yunus, Rasul Jafarov Intigam Aliyev and Hasan Huseynli and the observance of rights and freedoms were declared conditions for good relations between Azerbaijan and the EU.

Finally the agenda includes the prospect of sanctions against the regime.

The European Parliament called on the Council of the European Union in the case of continued repression in Azerbaijan, to consider the application of sanctions against those responsible for human rights violations.

Meanwhile, as noted Kerimli, among the critics of the Azerbaijan authorities, along with the EU, the United States, the OSCE and the Council of Europe, there are also the United Nations.

"Millions of money spent on" caviar diplomacy," oil contracts and lobbyists were in vain. The regime is isolated from the world," writes Kerimli.

According to him, it deprives Azerbaijan of allies, to the detriment of the interests of the country in terms of the solution of the Karabakh problem.

"But the most severe sanctions against the regime, of course, will be applied by our people. Now the people are tied by their hands and feet and even the mouth. But the people see everything and "record" everything. And they will collect all the "accounts" and present them to the regime," writes Kerimli. -06B-

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