Committee to Protect Islamist demands release of believers

The Committee to Protect Islamists praised pardon of two theologians - Azer Jabiyev and Fakhri Ismayilov and believers Zaur Isgandarov, Anar Bayramli, Araz Ismayilov and Ilgar Musayev. However, the Committee recalled in prisons the leader of the Islamic Party Movsum Samedov, and activists of the party Ruhulla Akhundov, Faramiz Abbasov, Firdovsi Mamedrzayev and Dayanat Samedov. The Committee believes that these persons were sentenced to long terms on trumped-up charges.

As the head of the Committee Natig Karimov said, in January, the Supreme Court will consider the appeal. This is a good opportunity ahead of the January session of PACE to provide, justice for the innocent prisoners – believers and close the issue of political prisoners in Azerbaijan. If they are not released, the case will be brought to the European Court of Human Rights. According to Karimov, the lawyer Anar Gasimli will make a complaint. In addition, preliminary consultations are conducted with foreign lawyers in Strasbourg, who are ready to assist.

According to Karimov, the Islamists were arrested for criticizing the country's leadership for the ban on headscarves in schools, and for no respect for the moral values ​​of the country. Karimov believes the government repressed the Islamists, fearing the growing influence of Islam in Azerbaijan.

Along with this, the Committee calls for the release of three believers - Elmar Samedov, Agali Yakhyayev and Seynur Huseynov arrested during the march on February 13, 2010 on the occasion of the of the Prophet Muhammad. Initially, the police did not interfere with the action, but then began to disperse the rally. The three men were sentenced to 4.5 years on charges of disorderly conduct and resisting the police.

The Committee intends to organize information also on other Islamists and protect those who are convicted for protecting the freedom of conscience and their rights to freedom of expression. As it was noted, in the last two years, at least a hundred of faithful people were arrested.

In its activities, the Committee intends to work closely with the media, civil society and political parties and international organizations, and actively use social networks.

According to the First Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Party Rovshan Ahmadli, in 2013, on the eve of the presidential election strengthening of repression of Islamists is expected, so preventive measures will be taken to protect their rights. -06D –


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