New Accusations against the West in the Milli Majlis

Azerbaijani Parliament should contact the co-chairing countries of the OSCE Minsk Group, demanding an end to the policy of double standards. This was said at today's meeting of the Milli Majlis by the deputy executive secretary of the ruling party New Azerbaijan, MP Siyavush Novruzov.

"Without waiting for the announcement of the election results in Ukraine, the United States called the election free, fair and open. At the same time, the White House announced its readiness to help Kiev return Crimea to Ukraine," said Novruzov.

At the same time, in the last 20 years, Washington did not even once talk about the need for the execution of four UN Security Council resolutions on Nagorno-Karabakh.

"OSCE MG cochairmen come to the region as tourists. This is a selective approach to conflict resolution and it is unacceptable. Double standards are unacceptable," said Novruzov.

He was supported by MP Aydin Mirzazadeh. He protested the lack of response from the co-chairing countries to the trial of two Kalbajar people in Khankendi.

"The Foreign Ministries of Russia, USA and France had to condemn this play," believes Mirzazadeh.

Ganeera Pashayeva went further, stating that the Council of Europe, declaring unacceptable violation of human rights, ignores "the show in court" over two Kalbajar people.

She offered to raise the issue of Shahbaz Guliyev and Dilgam Askerov before the European Committee against Torture, and said their families should appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.

In turn, MP Igbal Aghazadeh said that he is personally willing to act as an attorney for Guliyev and Askerov. However, Vice Speaker Bahar Muradova said that any participation of Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh show could not be considered.

The Speaker of Azerbaijani Parliament called on the parliamentarians to "watch" in tracing the manifestations of the "double standards" policy of Western countries and to "stand above biased politics of a number of countries."  -02D-

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