Parliament Considering Changes to Fees for Passports

The Economic Policy Committee of the Milli Mejlis is discussing the amendments to the law "On State Duty".

In particular, in the last session, the deputies discussed the question of changes in fees for the issuance of ordinary passports. In particular, they proposed to set up a fee of 10 manats in case of urgent (two days) exchange or issuance of a passport to a child for one year out of treatment, the child of one to three the fee is 20 manat, and 3-18 years - 40 manat.
If the passport is issued within one working day, for the child up to a year it will cost 40 AZN, for 1-3 years - 80 manat, and for 3-18 years - 160 manat.
When the passport is needed in 5 working days, for a child of up to 1 year old, it will cost 20 AZN, 1-3 - 40 manat, 3-18 - 60 manat, and for more than 18 years - 80 manat.
The draft amendments will be soon submitted to the consideration by parliament.
The current fee for a passport for 5 days is 120 manat, and for a monthly term it is 40 manats. There are no other types of fees. -05D-

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