Resolution the problem of political prisoners requires a change of regime (UPDATED)

This power has proven its meanness and cowardice by inviting Zhirinovsky to Azerbaijan. They used to call him a clown, and then invited him, and sat at the table.  This is the highest degree of immorality and national shame, said some of the people at today's meeting of the National Council.

Receiving the enemies of the Azerbaijani people, the regime at the same time put in prisons the best representatives of society. "It's anti-people regime, and its place is on the scrap heap of history, » said the deputy chairman of the Popular Front Party, Fuad Gahramanli.

He also appealed to the protesters not to succumb to provocations, noting that unknown persons tried to raise at the rally the flag of Islamic radicals. "They were detained and handed over to the police," said Gahramanli.

Rovshan Ahmadli, representative of believers, accused the government of destroying the moral foundations of the nation. Accusing the believers of drug of addiction this power strengthens the self-hatred, what increases the number of malcontents, demonstrating its anti-popular nature.

PFPA Deputy Chairman Gezal Bayramly accused the regime of crimes against the people. "You will never wash yourself from this blood, and sooner or later you will answer to the people for all these crimes!" she said.

Azerbaijan for 20 years has been under occupation of the corrupt, repressive regime, and this government has no right to lead the country, said in his speech, the head of the National Council Jamal Hisami.

This power is busy only with self-enrichment, and today's political prisoners are those who denounced this crime the government.

"This regime has fallen so low, and its hatred towards its own citizens is so great that the authorities follow Stalinist regime, arresting entire families that we see in the case of Leyla and Arif Yunus.

 The authorities have imprisoned  the brightest, most educated and intelligent young activists, the most educated religious leaders, and the  best human rights defenders," said Hasanli.

He noted that today's political prisoners are those who by their intelligence, education and abilities are higher than Ilham Aliyev and his entourage. That is why this government  is so afraid of them, said Hasanli.

"The power of the Aliyev is temporary, dictators are not able to draw conclusions from history.  Such things happened repeatedly, so the future belongs not  them , but  us -  democracy, " said Hasanli.

At the end of the meeting the son Intigam Aliyev read a resolution of the rally. It reads that after Ilham Aliyev came to power third time, the number of political prisoners in the country has increased considerably. Measures are taken to complete blocking of the freedom of speech, assembly and association.  The activities of NGOs are restricted, and   their leaders are persecuted.

The rally participants demanded from the authorities to stop this harmful, anti-people policies, release political prisoners, ensure fundamental freedoms, start  integration with European structures, and sign an association agreement with the European Union. -02В-


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2014 October 12 (Sunday) 16:04:55

A rally of the opposition National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF) began on Sunday, October 12 at the “Mehsul” in the Yasamal district of Baku. Thousands of people participated in the rally.   They came to the rally with the slogans "Comrade Ilham Aliyev, go away!", "Tell me who your friends are, I will tell you who you are!"

The leader of the Popular Front Party, Ali Kerimli, addressing at the rally, accused the ruling regime of the absence of desire to lead the civilized struggle with opponents. "They have seized power, behave as invaders, and imprison the best people in the country; any dissenting is accused of drug abuse and hooliganism, and is jailed. This is anti-people power, and it must resign, they will face the fate of Middle Eastern dictatorships, «he said.

"I appeal to Ilham Aliyev: how can you jail and torture there a 60-year-old woman? How can you arrest and prosecute lawyers, human rights activists and journalists, who, unlike you, protect ordinary citizens? Thank to your policy these people today are known worldwide. This is your mediocre repressive policies!" he said. Kerimli’s speech was interrupted by cries "Freedom" and "Resign!"  The PFPA leader noted that these actions by the authorities did not give the desired results; instead, the regime has been disgraced before the whole world, and today we are facing the threat of international sanctions. "Today, our society has faced serious challenges, but we will come out of this situation, and we will win!"

One of the leaders of the National Council, Eldaniz Guliyev, highlighted the problem of political prisoners. "We do not want to look at the world through the eyes of the authorities, we want to have our own opinion, and for this we should not be put in prison, or declared enemies of the people and spies. Stop the persecution; allow people to breathe freely, give freedom to political prisoners, «He said.

Abulfaz Gurbanli, former leader of the youth organization of the National Front, accused the authorities of the destruction of free thought, the destruction of intellectuals, and growing sycophants. For all these crimes the regime someday will give answer, he said, calling on President Ilham Aliyev to resign.

The member of the NCDF Gultakin Hajibayli called “a shame of the authorities” the arrest of people like Leyla Yunus, Arif Yunus, Intigam Aliyev and other human rights defenders.

Part of the political prisoners is believers who have been imprisoned on trumped-up charges of coup, drug possession, and disorderly conduct. In fact, these people demanded justice, she said.-02D- 

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