The prosecutor"s office has imposed a ban on journalist Khadija Ismayilova"s leaving Azerbaijan

The General Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan has imposed a ban on leaving the country by the journalist Khadija Ismayilova. She could not last night depart from Baku to Prague for an international conference Forum 2000.

At the border control in the Baku airport the journalist was stated that the Prosecutor General of Azerbaijan imposed a ban on leaving her out of the country.
Ismayilova does not know the reason for the travel ban.
In her view, it could be associated with the lawsuit from Elman Turkoglu against her and in all probability she expects a new wave of questioning in the prosecutor's office.
On Monday Ismayilova intends to apply to the prosecutor's office to seek clarification of their reasons for limiting her freedom of movement.
In February-March 2014 Ismayilova was repeatedly summoned for questioning by the Prosecutor General in connection with the publication on her Facebook page of a material of recruitment of an opposition representative by special services of Azerbaijan. It was motivated with disclosure of state secrets. However, the investigation was more interested in Ismayilova's meeting with two employees of the Senate of the United States, whom the pro-government media called American spies. -0

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