Rustam Ibrahimbayov calls on to speed up the formation of the National Council

Famous playwright, co-chair of the Forum of Intellectuals, Rustam Ibrahimbayov, appealed through  the Turan News Agency to the leaders of political parties of Azerbaijan with request to accelerate the establishment of the National Council of the Democratic Forces.

Ibrahimbayov  said that there  is some  complexity  in the relationship between the leaders of political parties and movements. However, they do not doubt the need for such a unifying body of the democratic forces.

"The offshore scandal that shocked the entire civilized world   has greatly  aggravated the political situation in the country. Never before has such a large number of government officials, politicians, businessmen, was convicted of financial fraud. The mandatory norm of equality before the law for all democratic countries compels holders of secret accounts, regardless of their positions, to report on the sources of their funds and how they are accumulating.  It did not happen in Azerbaijan – the regime stopped  to play democracy. This is also confirmed by the increasing level of political repression.

It is difficult to predict the further development of the socio-political process. But in any case, it essentially depends on whether there will be the unification of democratic forces. Moreover, that  along with the "Musavat" party, the People's Front movement "El" and REAL, the Council includes representatives of political associations, such as the Liberal Party led by  Lala Shovket, the Open Society Party  led by Rasul Guliyev, and other leaders of civil society - human rights activists, representatives of media, leading NGOs, activists of youth organizations.

It should be recognized that there are objective factors that slow down the process of unification. And above all, the lack of clear sound principles for the selection of candidates for the National Council. The necessary criteria are developed in the course of joint discussions, which almost was not due to lack of time.

As a person who is not associated with any of the political parties and movements, and not directly involved in the negotiations, I can only hope that the leaders of the main political forces will overcome the possible conflict of interest, and the National Council will start its activity. Leaders of political parties and movements need to understand that their ability to unite reflects society's willingness to serious reform. And it imposes on them a historic responsibility.

As for my participation in the National Council, I will agree to it only basic democratic forces of the country is represented in it, and if it units  people who have won the trust and respect of the community," reads the statement. -02D-


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