Cholpon-Ata. The Sixth Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking Countries. Azərtac

Cholpon-Ata. The Sixth Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking Countries. Azərtac


- The sixth summit of the Cooperation Council of the Turkic-Speaking States (CCTS) was held. Is it acceptable to hold the summit in this format?

Elxan Şahinoğlu-After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Turkic-speaking states established broad relations. Russia and Iran were concerned about the first meetings of the Turkic-speaking countries. Moscow and Tehran thought that Turkey wanted to create a great TURAN in the region, although neither Turkey nor any other Turkic-speaking states had such a plan. Subsequently, Moscow and Tehran understood this and stopped worrying about this. Nevertheless, not all Turkic-speaking countries participate in this format. Turkmenistan is a Turkic-speaking state, but does not participate in the summit of the Turkic-speaking countries. Turkmenistan associates this with a neutral foreign policy. In return, Turkmenistan prefers bilateral ties with the Turkic-speaking states. For example, Turkmenistan has close ties with Turkey, but there are certain problems with other Turkic-speaking countries. When Islam Karimov was the president of Uzbekistan, he did not participate in the summit of the Turkic-speaking states. The new president of Uzbekistan Shovket Mirziyayev changed foreign policy. There was tension in the relations of Islam Karimov with Turkey. The new president of Uzbekistan restored relations. Shovket Mirziyayev even made an official visit to Turkey. This time the President of Uzbekistan took part in the summit of the Turkic-speaking states. Nevertheless, Uzbekistan is still not a full member of the Cooperation Council of the Turkic-speaking States.

- An interesting moment has become the participation of Hungary in this summit. How can you assess this step of Hungary?

-Hungary, being a European state, took part in the summit of the Cooperation Council of the Turkic-speaking States, and this issue was the focus of attention. Hungarians are considered ancient Turkic tribes. Therefore, Hungary considers itself an integral part of the Turkic world. In addition, Hungary's accession to the Council of Cooperation of the Turkic-Speaking States is of practical importance. Hungary wants to expand relations with the Turkic-speaking states. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that the Hungarian people are interested in developing cooperation with the Turkic-speaking peoples. During the year, Hungary issues scholarships to students from Turkic-speaking countries, including Azerbaijan.

- In your opinion, what is the significance of the existing situation for Azerbaijan?

- For Azerbaijan, expanding cooperation with the Turkic-speaking countries is important for several reasons. First, Azerbaijan expects from the Turkic-speaking strengthened support in the Karabakh issue. Kazakhstan, although a member of the CSTO, provides support to Azerbaijan in the Karabakh issue. However, other Central Asian states do not support Azerbaijan, as Kazakhstan does. Secondly, Azerbaijan wants to expand economic relations with the Turkic world. In recent years, Azerbaijan has invested 14 billion dollars in the Turkish economy. Turkey invested about the same amount in Azerbaijan. In the coming years, Azerbaijan's investment in Turkey will increase to $ 20 billion. However, this process with other Turkic-speaking countries is weak. Thirdly, Azerbaijan wants Turkic-speaking countries to use its transport capabilities. The President of Kazakhstan said in Kyrgyzstan about the importance of the opening of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway. Ability of cargo transportation of ports of Kazakhstan Aktau and Kurik has reached 26 million tons. This means that these cargoes can be delivered to the Azerbaijani port of Alyat in the Caspian Sea, and the cargoes arriving to the port of Alyat via the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway will be delivered to European countries. Azerbaijan wants to transport cargoes of both Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan along this railway line. It is also important to develop humanitarian ties between the Turkic-speaking countries. In some of them, including in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, the subject of the general history of the Turkic-speaking states is studied. In addition, the issue of creating a common Turkic-speaking television and university is being discussed. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev considers important the definition of the 100 most famous persons of the Turkic world. And this is a good suggestion.

-There are also those who regard the holding of the summit right now as the intention of Turkey to send a message to the whole world through the Turkic-speaking countries. Is this true?

-As is known, the issues of economy, trade, general projects and humanitarian issues are discussed at the meetings of the Turkic-speaking countries. That is, in these discussions the issue of military cooperation is not touched, so the Cooperation Council of the Turkic-speaking States is not directed against other states. Despite this, the initiative of the President of Turkey Rajab Tayyip Erdogan "refuse to trade from the dollar" under the current conditions look unrealistic. With this initiative, Erdogan spoke in Kyrgyzstan. Across the world, approximately 70% of trade is carried out through the dollar. Refusal of the Turkic-speaking countries from the dollar is a very complex issue. Erdogan also wants to expand the network of struggle of the Turkic-speaking states against the terrorist network of Fatullah Gulen. So far, except Turkey and Azerbaijan, no one is seriously fighting against this. Ankara is happy with measures taken by Azerbaijan, but Ankara is dissatisfied with Kyrgyzstan. Speaking in this country, Erdogan said, if Kyrgyzstan does not expand the struggle with the supporters of Fatullah Gulen, in the future this will create big problems for Kyrgyzstan itself.

-However, the unification of Turkic-speaking states under one umbrella does not look so sincere, because many Turkic-speaking countries, as you have already said, do not participate in this cooperation. Even if some people join, then in their policy there are certain distinctive features. How can this be regarded?

-Yes it is. Türkic-speaking countries pay attention to economic and humanitarian ties, and their foreign policy is a bit different. For example, Erdogan says that Palestine is also part of the Turkic world. However, other Turkic-speaking states do not think so. Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, while supporting the independence of Palestine, nevertheless continue to cooperate with Israel. This opinion is also present within the structure. By the way, the next summit of the Cooperation Council of the Turkic-speaking states will be held in Azerbaijan. Prior to this summit, it is necessary to strengthen the integration of the Turkic-speaking states.

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