Media Review - February 14, 2019

The goals and objectives of the reforms being carried out in the country, "debt notebooks" at retail outlets, and ways to get rid of problem loans are the leading topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about reforms implemented in the country since 2016. The author quotes Ilham Aliyev"s statement that the country has entered a period of deep reforms. According to the author, these are not just gradual, but systemic reforms.

Special importance and place is given to the social sphere. The task of these reforms is to bring Azerbaijan to the level of developed countries.

The newspaper Yeni Musavat writes about "debt books" in grocery stores in the regions of the country. According to a survey in three regions, the sale of food products on debt is widespread. So, sellers claim that a significant amount of goods was sold on debt in 2018. In January 2019, this volume ranged from 22% to 38%.

This means that in the regions of the country, 50% of trade relations are built on "debt", bypassing the cash register. However, to prohibit such a sale is impossible.

The website gives an expert opinion on problem loans. Currently, the amount of problem loans is 1 billion 585 million manat. The share in the total loan portfolio is 12%.

Monitoring shows that part of unpaid loans are not registered. The expert considers it necessary to adopt a unified state program on solving problem loans. In Azerbaijan, it is necessary that the state buy problem loans. -0 ----

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