Persecution for freedom of expression in Azerbaijan reaches on-line media

New trends in the field of freedom of expression in Azerbaijan in recent years became the facts of pressure not only on print, and on-line media, and geographical expansion of harassment of journalists.

This opinion was expressed by Director of Media Rights Institute (PMI) Rashid Hajili, speaking at the conference, "A new alternative: legal education on-line media for journalists."

The number of Facebook users in Azerbaijan reaches 900,000, a  the audience of Youtube is rapidly growing.

The Internet has opened opportunities for on-line media development even in  regions  where  there were no conditions for a wide distribution of printed media. "It is very difficult to open  a newspaper, especially in the regions due to the lack of resources and infrastructure. Through the Internet it is possible to distribute any materials, including video," said the Director of the IPM.

Hajili called not random increase in the number of imprisoned journalists and activists in the region. Another striking trend Hajili called persecution on-line media with religious content. Only in Azerbaijan under arrest 7 on-line journalists, said Hajili.

A new trend  Hajili called the stop of  arrests of journalists for defamation. Instead, journalists  are prosecuted for illegal drug possession, disorderly conduct, etc. The most recent "know-how" of the authorities became the accusation of journalists of public order offenses.

   This, the  journalists of Khayal TV were  accused of posting  in the Internet offensive statements of the head of the region, which led to a popular uprising.

Faramaz Allahverdiyev is accused of video recording  on Internet  calling to do the same in Shuvelan (a suburb of Baku.) According to Hajili, Allahverdiyev further jokingly wrote: "The matches and kerosene take upon myself." The lawyer considers unfounded persecution of citizens for speaking out on social networks, which had no effect.

Hajili  said that  the increase in the number of imprisoned journalists and activists in the region was not coincidence.  Another striking trend Hajili called persecution on-line media with religious content.  Seven journalists in Azerbaijan are under arrest, said Hajili.

Another problem Hajili called moral pressure on journalists,  such as exposure to the Internet from the privacy of staff journalists, accompanied by critical publications in pro-governmental  newspapers:  "Iki Sahil", "Yeni Azerbaijan" and "Ses". "

However, the courts have not  brought these newspapers to  trial, and prosecutors did not investigate the invasion of privacy. 

The head of the journalist  association “Yeni Nasil” , Arif Aliyev,  noted that in the  issue of security in press, preference is given to  the practical  measures rather than improving legislation. Thus, two out of three of those killed or beaten journalists are victims of anti-corruption policy and statements.

In 70% of cases journalists are  initially warned, because he proposed to create a system of on-line notification of such threats to journalists. This can be done using mobile phones with special software. If a journalist feels a threat, he should  pres the button  to warn  the colleagues.

Editor of "Yeni Musavat" Rauf Arifoglu said that despite the development of new media, the authorities continue to put pressure on the print media. In particular,  claims amounting more than  two million manta have been made against the newspaper "Yeni Musavat", and sanctions  against them  amount  55,000 manat. These lawsuits were filed by government agencies and individual officials.

Another opposition newspaper "Azadlig" had similar problems. It was fined 30,000 manat on the suit  of the head of Baku Metro, Tagi Ahmedov, and others.

 Editor of "Azadlig" Rahim Hajiyev noted that lawsuits have been filed after the newspaper published a material  that Ilham Aliyev has  the most expensive watch in the world. "We were asked to write  a refutation. We said we would be happy to print it, if they  tell us  what watches   Ilham Aliyev  has, and if they  file lawsuits against all foreign media that published information about his wealth," said Hajiyev.

He also said that due to the refusal of state company "Gasid" to transfer 35,000 manat from the sale of newspapers , the newspaper  is under the threat of being closed. 

The book "The journalist-lawyer relations", containing information on the legislation and practical measures to ensure the safety of journalists and their legal protection, was presented at the seminar. 

The book was published  by IPM and the American Bar Association (ABA CEELİ).—06C--


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