Press Review 02/10/15

Official newspapers write about the receptions and meetings of Ilham Aliyev, as well as publish presidential decrees.

Azadlyg says that Ilham Aliyev is preparing to join the Eurasian Union. Besides, Russia intends to fight in Syria, using the territory of Azerbaijan for transit.

A Carnegie Endowment officer Thomas de Waal believes that the leadership of Armenia and Azerbaijan are on the verge of a limited war in order to save their regimes.

PACE ratified a resolution in connection with the abuse of the pre-trial detention right. Azerbaijan is named one of the countries where there is a negative practice.

Standard & Poor’s believes that the risk of bankruptcy of Azerbaijani banks increased due to the weakening of the national currency.

Express writes that the Prosecutor General Zakir Garalov has expressed concern about the increasing number of suicides in the country, but said nothing about the possible causes.

The International Monetary Fund warned that the global economy will face a long period of cheap oil.

Echo writes that according to unofficial statistics, there are up to 160,000 illegal migrants in Azerbaijan.

Yeni Musavat believes that the Kremlin is trying to attract Azerbaijan to war with ISIS.

The Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mohsun Pakaeen said that in connection with the tragedy in Mecca during Hajj, there are 21 containers packed with unidentified bodies of pilgrims.

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