Press Review of January 14, 2019

The dynamics of Azerbaijan"s development in 2018, expectations from structural reforms, and the rise in crime among young people are the leading themes of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the general development of the country against the backdrop of the January 11 meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the socio-economic results of 2018.

This year, the author writes, went down in history as a year of reforms. At the meeting, the head of state touched upon the implementation of the third state program of regional development.

Speaking of successes, the head of state noted that over the period of implementation of the state program, GDP grew 3.2 times, state budget revenues - 13.5 times, strategic currency reserves - 28 times, external trade turnover - 4.6 times, and export volume - 6 times. In 2018, 2 million 850 thousand foreigners arrived in the country, and spent $ 2 billion here.

The website is discussing with MP Yevda Abramov the possibility of uniting a number of ministries, committees and agencies. This is part of the structural reforms carried out in the country. The deputy cited the statement of the head of state Ilham Aliyev - the management structure is outdated, so it is subject to reform, and staff changes will be included in the reforms.

The website publishes the comment of MP Fazil Mustafa to the murder of a young man returning from the army. The article talks about the rise in crime among youth, underscoring that they often have knives with them.

One of the reasons - the popularization of the world of crime and thieves' ideas among young people. The idealization of the criminal environment is going on, and youths are trying to adopt their habits and speak in thieves' slang. Booksellers say the best-selling books are about the criminal world, life in prisons, and criminal bosses.

The website writes about the decline of socialization in society, as teenagers and young people are increasingly communicating in social networks. Children's fun and entertainment are gradually disappearing, like children's games on the streets.

Children and adolescents increasingly go to the virtual world. Children are afraid to go out alone, and parents are afraid that their children may be kidnapped or made accustomed to drugs. -0---

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