Some people are arrested for riots in the Ismayili region

A meeting with residents  took pace today in the Executive power of Ismayilli region.  The Head of the Public Security Department f the  Ministry of the Interior, Javanshir Mammadov, said that several people  have been arrested due to the riots. To investigate the  matter  employees of the Interior Ministry and  General Prosecutor Office were sent to the region.

"We  carry out an explanatory work among the population. We explained to them and took  away some of the people from the scene,  and attracted for this local elders," said Mammadov.

Referring to yesterday's events, he said that a group of  youth in several places called attacking government targets. They blocked the road, preventing police cars, and  made several arson.

Chief Executive of the region, Nizami Alekperov, called the incident "ordinary traffic incident." These things happen often, and they should not be exaggerated, he said.

The executive secretary and the deputy of the ruling party "Yeni Azerbaijan", Ali Akhmedov  and Mubariz Gurbanli, also attended the meeting. .

According to the journalists form the scene,  protesters and disgruntled citizens have not been invited the meeting, and only employees of various municipal and state organizations  participated in the meeting. 

The  situation in the city remains calm, but the building of executive power  is surrounded by police  and special equipment. -16D-






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