Фото из открытых источников

Фото из открытых источников

On March 2, in the old building of the Republican Narcological Center in Baku, a fire broke out in which 25 patients with drug addiction and alcoholism burned alive, some were forcibly treated. On the same day, an investigative-operative group of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies and the Prosecutor General's Office stated that according to preliminary data, the cause of the fire was a short circuit caused by a strong wind. This version meant the fault of the Ministry of Emergency Measures and the Ministry of Health as ministries responsible for fire safety of facilities and patients' lives.

But on March 6 there was a second, radically different version of the cause of the fire. In a joint report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General's Office, it was announced that the arson was deliberately set on fire. A resident of Baku, Magomed Mammadov, who was treated at the drug center, because of his family's prejudiced attitude towards him and unwillingness to be treated in the Drug Center, decided to commit suicide. On March 2 at 06:00, he wrapped in a blanket in the ward, set fire to his lighter, but seeing that the flames intensified, he changed his mind about committing suicide. He threw the blanket on the bed, and, fearing that the fire would move to other chambers, left the Center immediately after the door of the branch opened. This was confirmed by witnesses, as well as records from the surveillance camera of the Drug Center.

The second version causes distrust in the society, as the degree of fault of the Ministry of Emergency Measures and the Ministry of Health falls with the bulging of the human factor. But the question arises: why did it take a whole four days to form the second version, if the video from the surveillance camera in the fire miraculously survived, and what caused the investigation to report the closure of the wiring?

Turan news agency interviewed several former patients of the Narcological Center. They continue to be treated on an outpatient basis, one of the respondents who answered questions is in the hospital and therefore everyone spoke on condition of anonymity. The order in the Narcological Center was also reported by a public activist who brought patients there. We contacted the relatives of the patients.

Our sources deny much of the officially announced. Many times on the territory of the clinic, the activist believes that as a sign of protest the patient could set fire to a blanket on himself, but it is impossible to escape from the case in any way, since the door is always closed.

All respondents confirm: patients in a burnt-out barracks built of chipboards were told by the orderlies, "or else you do not know what they are doing." One of the drug addicts attacked a homeless person placed in the Center, who, defending himself, stabbed the attacker on the head with a stool. The drug addict was then transferred to Mashtaga psychoneurological clinic.

Conditions in the Center are bad, but people are forced to put their relatives there for isolation from other drug addicts. Treatment, as a rule, was limited to sleeping pills in the early days, then with vitamins to stop narcotic withdrawal. Patients said Turan, that during the bad period of the drug addicts they were tied up, otherwise these people are very dangerous at such time. Someone gets to the Center for a week and that's enough, the others stay there for a long time. The girl told me how she was put on drugs. For 10 years of her life, everything was sold out of the house. Then she was brought to Zykh, treated, but she continues to take lighter drugs. Doctors make interviews with patients, but this is like "dead poultice," treatment does not help.

The clinic actively sold medicines. "When I was waiting for the doctor I saw how expensive cars drove in there," the mother of the patient said.

In the establishment of the Ministry of Health, where, by definition, treatment is free, there were tough prices - 350-400 manat for 10 days or a couple of weeks of treatment. "And do not try to bring it ...", - he said, who was treated at the Center. "Who will tell you that this is a lie - spit in his face, I myself brought money there several times and on my request to give me a one-week delay with payment by the departmental director said that they it is not a resort, and she also pays someone. In total, I gave there about 1500 -1700 manats, plus transfers, cigarettes, etc.," the relative of the patient remembered.

The head of the department demanded that patients come to the Center on their own and voluntarily, otherwise for shipping it is necessary to pay about 100 manats. But in the hotline of the Ministry of Health they say that the "first aid" is obliged to deliver patients to the narcodispensary.

"There is three meals a day, but we have to bring food transfers, which the guards at the entrance clean up: "we checked". Mobile phones are prohibited, there were stationary telephones on the hospital territory, but old ones, where you can talk to the patient for a few minutes to make sure that he is well.

The nurses are excellent, kind and honest, they did not even want to take the money," told the relative of the patient. "I would not reproach doctors for cruelty, they are quite human and respectful with the sick," said another. The territory of the Center was always clean, cleaning was done by patients as occupational therapy.

Someone in the comments wrote about old electric tiles for heating. It's true, one of the patients repaired these tiles. Inside it was very warm in winter, they did not save on it. One of the victims in the fire is a sick Eugene. The eyewitness saw how he fell, but not one of the firemen gave him an oxygen mask," said a close friend of the deceased.

There was a corps for the jailers on the territory, there were really terrible episodes," the patients said. The bars on the windows were ...

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