Matthew Miller

Matthew Miller

Washington D.C./01.08.23/Turan:  The U.S. State Department on Tuesday reacted to Georgia's occupied region of Abkhazia's decision to transfer strategic location - Sokhumi airport to Russia.

"The United States considers Sokhumi Airport to be part of Georgia's airspace," Spokesperson Matthew Miller told TURAN's Washington correspondent.

The United States continues to support Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, Miller said.

"We urge Russia to uphold its obligation to withdraw its forces to pre-conflict positions in line with the 2008 EU-mediated ceasefire agreement," the spokesperson added.

Georgia's President Salome Zourabichvili last week condemned the decision by so-called "parliament" of temporarily occupied Abkhazia to transfer the Sokhumi airport to Russia calling the move "Illegal act by Russia that requires a categorical and firm reaction of the international community."

Alex Raufoglu

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