


- There is an opinion that the government retreated before the pressure of the people. Some argue that on the contrary, the government is preparing to tighten the screws. What do you think?

-The new charge against Mehman Huseynov was unfair. Those who think that the authorities have taken positive steps in this direction are mistaken. They do not even think about it. If Mehman Huseynov were released, he would have gone to his brother abroad. That is all, and there will not be a lot of noise around this matter. A lot of criticism was addressed to Azerbaijan, but in the end nothing positive happened. Our society raises for some petty reasons, but fundamental issues remain aside. For example, such as Karabakh. The issue of Karabakh is not discussed seriously, in scientific form. This problem is forgotten and is in the monopoly of power. Such problems as corruption and squandering of petrodollars by the will of one person remain unresolved. Society cannot separate important issues.

-The European Parliament adopted a resolution regarding Mehman Huseynov. Authoritative international media agencies wrote about this case. What was the main reason for an adequate perception of this decision - the desire to reduce international pressure or retreat from internal aggression?

-I think that from internal aggression, because there is a crack at the top. Part of the ruling team is trying to raise society against those who are at the top. The authorities are afraid of this, and not of some international organization, the Council of Europe, the European Union, or the United Nations, because they are more and more people of provincial thinking. It was said more than once that "we are not afraid of anything," but a crack within the government suffer from it. Some forces using this situation want to become more active, as if they are trying to catch fish in muddy water, and the authorities are afraid of this. In Azerbaijan, there are always coups, a change of power occurs after the formation of cracks in the government itself. I do not accept such expressions as the democratic will of the people, the demand of the people. These expressions are used to raise people.

-The opinion was expressed that everything that happens is due to a misunderstanding within the government. It seems that someone wants to spoil everything before the expected signing of an agreement with the EU soon. Do you think this is logical?

-This is not relevant to the issue, since the document that is being prepared for signing with the EU will not affect the future fate of Azerbaijan.

- In what form are the contradictions within the government expressed in society?

- There is nothing on the surface. No one in power openly criticizes Gillham Aliyev or Mehriban Aliyeva, or opposes them. The same happened in Soviet times. Vezirov was overthrown, the top kept silent, the Popular Front was scattered around the squares. The Popular Front organized rallies, declared strikes. Later, when Hasan Hasanov wanted to overthrow Ayaz Mutallibov someone was building some kind of collaboration; or Heydar Aliyev was on the side with someone else. They wanted to divide power among themselves. Now, unfortunately, they do not speak about radical democratic changes. For the most part, the authorities at the top are trying to use the popular movement either to strengthen their position, or to increase their share, or simply to seize the moment. That is why they use such slogans as universal human rights, democracy, Karabakh, freedom, and independence.

-What can we expect in the near future? Will the situation ease on the eve of the signing of an agreement with the EU or will it get even worse? How tense will be situation?

-"It depends on the balance of power or the determination of power." If the authorities themselves understand who is behind the protest movement and isolates them in time, the movement will subside. On the eve of the presidential election in 2013, as this process was put on the rails, you probably remember it. Now this can be done through some administrative, organizational, financial measures. If not, then we can say that our country has a great experience in this sphere too. One leaves, and other comes. Do not forget about it. Unfortunately, I do not expect serious democratic changes. In any case, in none of the individuals and organizations applying for power, with the exception of REAL, I do not see the potential of democracy and reform. Before the signing an agreement with the EU, at best, the situation will remain the same. This document does not have any impact on the internal politics of Azerbaijan. I will give an example. Armenia signed it, and what did happen? That the power of Pashinyan was fueled by the agreement signed with Europe. In no case.

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