Almost half of the assets of SOFAR is in USD

The State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan allocates assets, mainly in  the U.S. dollars.

According to  SOFAR (,  for July 1, 2013, the assets of SOFAR is $ 34 billion 678.4 million, of which only 0 4% ($ 162.34 million) - the local currency, the remaining funds are focused abroad.

In the structure of the Fund's assets  is stationed abroad, the share of U.S. dollars - 47.7%, in absolute numbers - $ 16 billion 460.4 million. The money in euros totaled 40.84%, in pounds sterling - 5.1%. The rest of the numbers in descending order looks like this: 2.6% - gold, 1.9% - the Russian ruble, 1.3% - the Turkish lira, 0.6% - the Australian dollar.

In general, to July 1, 2013, 26.1% of the Fund's assets were placed in the corporate sector, 24.41% - in bonds of agencies and international organizations, 23.9% -  in short-term commercial paper, 9.8% - financial bonds, the rest - other instruments.

According to the fund, 56.2% of the investment portfolio of SOFAR  is located in Europe, 14.4% - in North America, 15.2% - in the developing world, the rest - in other regions.

In the Oil Fund of Azerbaijan  is accumulated income from the sale of oil contracts, in particular from the sale of profit oil state, transit tariffs for the transportation of oil and gas across the country, the rental of state property, etc. - 17D-


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