Cooperatives to help rural communities

Economic problems of self-government are the lack of real independence, and unity of farmers.

The first public hearing on the example of the Timiryazev municipality in the Guba region was organized by the Center for Economic Research, and supported by the International Cooperation (GIZ). Accounting for only three quarters, the cashier received 23,718 manats.

According to project coordinator Ghalib Togrul referring to municipal accounts for the needs of rural residents is modest money, which is necessary and road repair, and potable water to make to and funds for sewer costs remained. After the autumn rains and the first snow there is a need to repair another road connecting the village with the district center. According to him, the positive thing is that for the next year this village expects a budget of 78,750 manat.

Attending the hearing, Azerbaijani MP from Guba Constituency No 52 Vahid Ahmadov commenting, said that employees of the municipality saw the way out of the situation in subbotniks (Saturday campaigns including unpaid labor) and in allocating money for building materials, while labor force is in the majority free. In order to solve the problem thoroughly, recently to expand and increase the number of private holdings there has been allocated additional 15 hectares of land. As a result, the villagers will be able to grow more crops, negotiations to resolve problems with customs when exporting goods abroad.

To be effective in the organization of production, the MP invited the representatives of the municipality to create an agricultural cooperative - then the government will provide loans more readily and in a much larger volume, which will break the deadlock over many issues of the government. - 17D-


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