During quarter 1, 2014 average export price of Azerbaijani oil exceeded $111 per barrel

In quarter 1, 2014 Azerbaijan exported 8,097,792 tons of oil, down 4.8% against the same period last year, according to the State Customs Committee.

According to the meters of the State Customs Committee, from January to March 6,514,000 tons of oil was exported via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, 1,081,000 tons via the Baku-Supsa oil pipeline, 254,356 tons via the Baku-Novorossiysk pipeline and 244,209 tons of oil to the Georgian ports by railway.

According to the Committee, during this period the volume of declared exported oil totaled 5,523,074 tons to the amount of $4,562,999,069. This means that from January to March 2014 Azerbaijan exported 1 barrel of oil for in average $111.64.

The state budget of Azerbaijan has been drafted on the basis of average annual oil export price of $100 per barrel.—0—

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