Features of Compulsory Insurance of Disability Used by Third

In fact, compulsory insurance of disability of individuals from accidents and occupational diseases does not succeed now.

In January-July, local insurance companies collected at this position 23 million 14.91 thousand manats (+ 8.9% compared with the data of August 1 last year). However, experts believe that this segment is developed by a third, and opportunities for this type can collect about 60 million manats with all the possibilities of employers.

According to the State Insurance Supervision Service of the Ministry of Finance, services, this type of insurance is provided by three insurance companies. The company Pasha Hayat Sigorta last year was in the lead with 35.94 million mantas, Ateshgah Hayat Sigorta collected 24,39 million AZN, and Qala Hayat Sigorta collected 13.37 million AZN.

By August 1, these companies had paid for accidents and deaths in production 1.51 million manats, which is almost twice as much as last year.

The law "On compulsory insurance of disability of individuals from accidents and occupational diseases in production" was approved in July 2010. On December 17 the same year, the Ministry of Finance approved the regulations, which launched services this type of insurance.

In November 2010, the Cabinet of Ministers of AR approved tariffs that all economic activities are divided into 14 levels of risk. On this basis the amount of the insurance rate for employees and workers in the enterprise was defined. It ranges from 0.2% to 2%, depending on the risk level of the enterprise.

By law, the insurance rate is calculated to the payroll in the company. The law provides for three types of insurance payments: monthly, one-time and extra.

In addition, the annual project expenditure budget AR introduced the item on the allocation of funds for compulsory insurance of employees against industrial accidents in the amount of 10 million AZN. --17D-

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