Professional participants of the securities market explained how to report to the SSC

The State Committee for Securities on March 6 held a presentation on the application of the new regulatory system for the professional participants of the securities market.

SSC adopted in February a number of regulations to implement the activities of brokers, compiling, reporting professional participants of the securities market and the publication of annual reports in the press.

Publication of annual report of professional participants of the securities market provides amendments to the Civil Code of 6 March 2004. However, none of the 18 professional participants of the market fulfills the requirements of this legislation.

The situation is no better also with the reporting of the issuers of investment securities: annual reports are published by no more than 2% of joint stock companies. However, the SSC still has not carried out information sessions on reporting for public companies, including the organization of electronic services to receive their annual reports. - 08D-


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