The draft law "On securities market" consistent with state agencies

The draft law "On the Securities Market" was held in coordination with government agencies and sent to the next stage of the domestic procedure.

As noted in the report on the activities of the State Committee for Securities in the first half of 2013, in parallel with this law a bill on changes to the section of the Civil Code was prepared, which regulates the relationship on the securities market. The work began on the 36 regulations arising from the draft law "On the Securities Market". These documents will be held by international experts. The work is supported by the specialists of the project "Modernization of the capital markets."

Contrary to the requirements of Art. 9.1.3 of the Constitutional Law of Azerbaijan "On Normative Legal Acts", the law "On securities market" is not made public for information resources no regulatory authority.

Earlier, the head of the SSC noted that adoption of the Law "On the Securities Market" is expected by the end of this year. - 08D-


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