Leyla Abdullayeva

Leyla Abdullayeva

Baku/25.08.22/ Turan: The statement by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on the appointment of Philip Reeker as the chief negotiating adviser in the Caucasus is surprising, as it demonstrates an approach that is far from the post-conflict reality in the region, the official representative of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Leyla Abdullayeva said, commenting on the appointment of Riker as well as the co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group from the United States. “Azerbaijan's position on the Minsk Group has been repeatedly and clearly expressed at the highest level.

Attempts to "reanimate" the virtually inactive Minsk Group may lead to the distancing US from the process of normalizing Azerbaijani-Armenian relations," Abdullayeva stressed.

The Karabakh conflict has been settled and Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan, she added. "The international community, including our partners, must understand that linking the negotiations on the normalization of Azerbaijani-Armenian relations with the Karabakh issue in no way serves this process," Abdullayeva said. --06B--

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