Force Azerbaijani government to release Mehman Aliyev, whose only crime is to head the country�s last free media outlet

The Azerbaijani government just arrested Mehman Aliyev, a highly respected veteran journalist.

His crime? Simply doing his job as a head of the country"s last remained free media outlet Turan, which was the first independent news agency created in the post soviet space.

On August 25, 2017, a court in Baku placed Aliyev in pretrial detention for 3 months on charges of tax evasion, abuse of office, illegal entrepreneurship.

The move comes after authorities" constant pressure on Turan for loyalty, something that the agency refused to accept.

If convicted, Aliyev could face a maximum seven-year prison sentence.

We urgently need your help to secure his release.

Force the Azerbaijani authorities to drop the bogus charges and release Mehman Aliyev immediately and unconditionally.

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