Mehman Huseynov Informs International Missions about Attempt to Bribe Him

Baku / 09.02.20 / Turan: A candidate for deputy, blogger Mehman Huseynov appealed to the observation missions of the OSCE, OSCE PA and PACE with a call to pay special attention to the elections in the 31st Surakhany second district, where he is running.

Huseynov motivates this by the fact that another candidate Faraj Guliyev tried to bribe him to withdraw the blogger’s candidacy in his favor. Huseynov also reported pressure on members of his team.

Huseynov’s appeal addressed to the OSCE special election coordinator Arthur Gerasimov, head of the OSCE PA delegation Elona Khoja-Gzhebrea, head of the PACE election observation mission Franck Schwabe, all other members of the ODIHR, PACE and OSCE PA election observation missions in particular says:

“I am Mehman Huseynov, a well-known anti-corruption blogger, human rights activist, a former political prisoner from Azerbaijan, and also a candidate for the upcoming parliamentary elections in the 31st constituency. I would like to report a case of an attempt to bribe me. I am a popular candidate in my constituency, given my professional activities and activity on social networks. Therefore, another candidate, already twice becoming a deputy from the same constituency, Faraj Guliyev offered me financial compensation in exchange for me to withdraw from the election and support him. I have evidence of this since I recorded the conversation and made it public.”

Huseynov also regrets that the members of his team, and in particular those who will observe the February 9 elections, “were threatened by the authorities with legal persecution and forms of pressure if they did not ignore possible illegal actions committed during the election this Sunday” .

Huseynov asks to send observers from these missions in order to ensure good elections, fix possible violations and ensure the safety of other observers.

Copies of the appeal were also sent to OSCE PA President Georgy Tsereteli, OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montelle, OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger, OSCE ODIHR Director Inhibitor Solrun Gisladottir, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Arlem Desir and the independent Azerbaijani news agency Turan.

On February 1, Huseynov released an audio recording of his conversation with Guliyev.

The latter suggested that Huseynov withdraw his candidacy in his favor, promising certain benefits, including money allegedly for treatment.

After a complaint by the blogger on February 5, the CEC limited itself to issuing a warning to Guliyev. At the same time, the head of the CEC, Mazahir Panahov, said that "this is not a final decision." According to him, the prosecutor’s office is also investigating the incident, and the final decision will be made taking into account the results of the prosecutor’s investigation.

On February 6, the head of the press service of the prosecutor general’s office, Eldar Sultanov, wrote on his Facebook page that the blogger’s appeal was sent to the CEC “to make an appropriate decision.”

Independent lawyers unequivocally stated that Guliyev’s acts contained a corpus delicti and his candidacy should be canceled.   —06B-


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