Musavat Holds Festive Rally at Monument to Mammad Emin Rasulzadeh

Baku / 28.05.19 / Turan: In the village of Novkhany, at the monument to one of the founders of the Azerbaijan People's Republic (APR), Mammad Emin Rasulzadeh, a festive rally was held on the occasion of the Republic Day.

Speaking at the rally, the grandson of M.E. Rasulzadeh, Rais Rasulzadeh, said that even the Soviet authorities could not oust the people of the APR and its creators from the memory. The memory of the APR will live as long as the people of Azerbaijan exist, he said.

The head of the Center for National Strategic Thought, Isa Gambar, criticized the authorities of Azerbaijan for the zealous attitude to the heritage of M.E. Rasulzadeh.

"However, the more the authorities want to diminish the merits of Mammad Emin Rasulzadeh and bring him to oblivion, the stronger the people's love for him grows," Gambar said.

The head of the Musavat party, Arif Hajili, also criticized the authorities for not honoring the memory of the founders of the APR and not respecting its democratic values.

Hajili said that even on the holiday, authorities resorted to violating the rights of citizens and detained 4 activists from the Jalilabad regional organization of Musavat who were heading for the rally. He called on the authorities to release them so that they could celebrate the holiday dear to every Azerbaijani. -06D--

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