Coronavirus and lifestyle


- Why was the quarantine regime softened and why was it tightened over the weekend? Is this an experiment? Will this have an effect?

- The weakening of the quarantine regime was a logical step. There are also economic reasons. At the same time, social life could not remain frozen for long. This was one of the steps taken to mitigate SMS permissions, and these measures should have been gradually expanded. However, re-tightening the quarantine regime does not seem logical. Because in hot weather in summer this can give the opposite result. Strict quarantine rules are not suitable for Azerbaijan. Because our population does not comply with these rules. In China, strict measures were carried out under the threat of death. Therefore, I believe that the quarantine regime should be relaxed, and social life should be fully active, but with completely new rules. The main thing is that the process of easing the quarantine regime should be continued, if people strictly adhere to quarantine behavior.

- The quarantine regime was applied at a time when the number of infections was low. However, quarantine was eased at a time when the number of infections increased. Now quarantine is tightening again, albeit for two days. What does it mean? Is this the result of the government’s lack of a specific program, the result of a haste to ease quarantine, or are there other reasons?

- In fact, we promptly introduced a special quarantine regime and achieved some success due to the strictness of quarantine rules. True, at that time there were people who violated quarantine rules. They went to other houses, to shops, walked in the courtyards, and used the elevator when leaving the house. All this is the basis of the current infection.

That is, although it was a strict quarantine regime, there was also a lot of freedom. In this regard, it was necessary to go on mitigation. I think that the softening and re-tightening of the regime will not have a serious impact on the situation. The easing of the regime is also based on socio-economic factors, and this easing was generally very important.

People got used to freedom and suddenly they were sent to their homes, it was difficult for them to live in a state of restriction of freedom. They could not bear it; as a result, they went out into the courtyard and used the elevator. All this showed that it is difficult for a long time, especially as the heat rises, to introduce a long-term strict quarantine regime.

As for the absence of a specific government program, if the quarantine regime is relaxed, there should have been special instructions. There should have been instructions for the operation of individual stores, trade enterprises and public catering. That is, there was a need for guidance on the number of people in terms of maintaining social distance within at the same time, depending on the size of the object.

However, no such instructions followed. In fact, the quarantine rules were relaxed without any administrative decisions or teaching people how to behave. This, of course, led to more free movement of people. People began to ignore the situation, did not observe social distance, refused to wear masks, and so on. All this is the basis of current infections. I think the real situation is worse than announced.

- During the quarantine regime there were those who were suspicious of the disease, panic reigned among the population. If we look at the daily statistics now, the number of infected people does not fall below 200. At the same time, panic among people has decreased. What is the reason for this? Is this due to an increase in the number of people who do not believe in the disease, are people tired of living like this, or are they used to living with this disease?

- When the coronavirus pandemic began and spread in our country, the deaths observed in the world and in the country caused panic and fear among people. In the early days of the quarantine period, people followed the rules of this regime. Then rumors began that the coronavirus is nonsense and spreads purposefully.

In fact, the panic did not disappear, just people adapted to the situation. The expansion of the epidemiological geography of coronavirus, the increase in the number of infections is logical and logical. Because people completely ignored the situation after the rules were softened. They created favorable conditions for infection. In parks, boulevards, and central streets,


Thousands of people in parks, boulevards, and central streets did not keep social distance; and became infected. It also had an impact on statistics. The basis of most infections today are mistakes and miscalculations made at that time.

-When does this illness end? According to the version, there will be a second and third wave. The third wave will end in early 2021, putting an end to the pandemic. How true are these versions? What is your version?

 - In fact, we have been living with coronavirus since 1965. Each year, the virus manifests itself in different forms. SARS, MERS, and current COVID-19, existing during the heyday of the virus, are considered dangerous strains. SARS itself is very similar to COVID-19. That is, we are already living with this virus. It is hard to say how long this pandemic will last.

There are two questions here. Firstly, no one can say that the disease has passed. Because the Spanish flu lasted two years. Secondly, the version that these viruses mutate and disappear is always on the agenda. These viruses always have the ability to mutate. A mutated virus may lose its properties. Therefore, we cannot yet say what surprises await us. Of course, given the current intensity in the number of infected people, we can conclude that we are forced to live with this virus. There remains the probability of a second or third wave. Nevertheless, scientists and relevant institutions around the world are carrying out very serious work on this virus, and it is quite possible that a completely new technology will be developed to combat this virus.

- When will the peak of the pandemic come? Have we already experienced this period?

“We don’t know exactly how long the pandemic will last; just as hard to say when its peak is coming.” The period of infection begins its cycle, and then ends. Infection is less common. It means a wave. Then, after a month or two, the second wave flares up again and begins. The probability of two or three waves depends on this. We cannot say whether there will be a second or third wave. It is very difficult to say. I am somewhat optimistic; I believe that the world's population has made significant progress in the fight against this virus. The search for a new human body, a new home for it, becomes a problem for the virus.

-What are you offering? What steps should the Azerbaijani government take to combat COVID-19? What is the way out of the situation?

- I propose that quarantine measures be relaxed and public life go on. It is necessary to insist on proper quarantine behavior. Until the infection ends, we need to make people keep social distance, wear masks and disinfect their hands. This should be a way of life. We must do this to protect ourselves from other viruses in the future. For example, as in Japan. There is no quarantine committee or any other structure in Japan. People’s lifestyles minimize the number of infections and diseases. We must go this way. I think that toughening quarantine rules in hot weather will not work. We can do better if we understand and comply with quarantine behavior.

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