Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Baku/15.05.18/Turan: On May 15, the world celebrates International Family Day. This is a relatively young holiday, established by the UN General Assembly in 1993. The main goal of this date is to increase the attention of the general public to the numerous problems and difficulties of the institution of the family, and to find the best solutions for the quickest possible way out of the crisis situation.

According to the press service of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs, in the regions of Azerbaijan, on the occasion of the international holiday, thematic events were held, propagandizing the traditions, customs and values ​​inherent in the Azerbaijani family. The presentations of the projects "Strength in Unity" and "The whole family - in the library", which are implemented jointly with NGOs. In addition, a contest for the best short film devoted to family values, family problems, as well as the secrets of family happiness was announced. Its results will be announced in three months.

According to official statistics, today there are more than 2 million families in the country. In 2016, 66.8 thousand marriages and 13.1 thousand divorces were registered in Azerbaijan, and in 2017 - 62.9 thousand marriages and 14.5 divorces. These figures show that the divorce rate is increasing.

Studies have shown that, in contrast to past years, nowadays, a couple who have lived in marriage for less than five years are most likely to disagree. We are talking about people about a conscious age, in particular, when speaking about men, experts specify that most often they are divorced thirties.

A psychologist Vafadar Babazadeh noted in a conversation with Turan, that changes in the economic sphere over the past two decades could not but affect the demographic situation of our republics. Deterioration of the quality of human habitation complicated the situation of families. Changes affected the age of marriage, the composition of the family, the form of these unions.

"We have to admit that modern attitudes in society associated with the transitional period of its development have a negative impact on the family. Instability, overload, chronic exhausting stress, unemployment, low wages - all these factors contribute to the destruction of the family, make people irritated. The situation has become so acute that it makes sense to talk about the crisis of the family. The manifestations of this crisis are such indicators as the fall in the birth rate, the instability of the family, the increase in the number of divorces, the emergence of a large number of childless families, and cruel treatment of children," the specialist points out.

The family policy pursued by the state is ineffective, more declarative in nature. Contrary to the statements in the official reports on improving the social welfare of families in the country, the adoption of legislative acts on the protection of women and children, the situation in this area does not change. Domestic violence, drug addiction are the most frequent causes of the disintegration of families. At the same time, often women have nowhere to go through a difficult time in their family life: catastrophically there are not enough shelters for victims of domestic violence.

The indicator of the family crisis is also a sharp reduction in the level of "marriage" and, at the same time, the active growth of civil marriages and extra-marital births. Young people prefer to live together without formalizing relations, because they do not want to take responsibility for the financial situation of the family. Any quarrel can be the reason for parting.

The negative situation in this area, as experts say, is related to the poor economy, the lack of real support for young families. This includes work worthy of salary, housing. The advertised program "Preferential housing" was another profanation, if things are called by their own name. After all, this housing is not intended for poor young families, but for a limited category of the population - forced migrants, civil servants, etc. Moreover, the cost of this housing does not differ from the commercial housing built on the other outskirts of Baku.

In a word, the economic crisis, followed by the social crisis in the country, has become a real test for the family as a unit of society. All these negative phenomena cause the devaluation of family values. -0-

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