MP Trying to Reassure Families of Martyrs

Baku / 11/15/18 / Turan: Dozens of members of the families of martyrs again gathered in front of the Milli Majlis on November 15 in the morning. They continue to demand to resolve the issue of paying them a lump-sum compensation in the amount of 11,000 manat.

For a long time, none of the MPs came to the complainants and they began to chant: "The martyrs are immortal, the homeland is indivisible!", "The rights of the martyrs must not be trampled!"

"When they brought the bodies of the martyrs in the coffins wrapped in the national flag, we said: "Let the Motherland live!"And we hoped that the state would take care of the families of the martyrs. But no one was interested in how we raised the martyrs" children, or what money they lived on, because the officials do not have to survive, as we experienced. The well-fed does not understand the hungry," said the mother of one of the martyrs.

Another participant of the action complained about the TV channels of the country, which do not cover the rallies of martyr families.

"Now they do not come to our actions, but as soon as the issue is resolved, they will begin to praise the authorities," the woman said.

After some time, MP Agyl Abbas came out to the participants of the action and people began to complain to him of the Labor Ministry officials, who said that nowhere in the world except Azerbaijan compensations were given to the families of dead soldiers.

"Let them not lie - in the US the amount of compensation is 250 thousand manat," said a participant of the action. The MP, agreeing with him, advised the members of the families of martyrs to wait another 1-2 months.

"You have endured 21 years, so wait another 1-2 months. The government is trying to resolve this issue. First, compensation is received by the military. Then it will be extended to the families of the dead servicemen of the Internal Troops, then to volunteers and police officers," said the MP.

He recommended that family members be patient and send him documents giving grounds for receiving compensation.

Recall that in the spring of this year, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on the payment of lump-sum compensation to the families of people killed or missed in defense of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in 1991-97 in the amount of 11 thousand manat.

The compensation began on October 9. However, many families were denied compensation on the pretext that they received funds in the past. Compensation is not given to the families of police officers, either. Citizens' complaints to state bodies are not considered. -05D06-

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