War of criminal authorities from Azerbaijan continues in Russia

Moscow.11.04.14.Turan : Yesterday a funeral took place in Odessa to bury the influential "kingpin" Bakhish Aliyev named Waha. He was shot in one of the downtown restaurants . Operatives linked the crime to the conflict between the "legalists" Ali Heydarov (Albert Archangel) and Nadir Salifov (Lotu Guli), which escalated into a criminal war.

Rosbalt was told by a law enforcement source the murder was committed in the restaurant Evening Baku in Ilf and Petrov Street in Odessa on April 7. Bakhish Aliyev with friends were vacationing in the institution, when there came seven or eight armed men. According to current Ukrainian realities, there was nothing surprising in this view there. The attackers came to the table of the "kingpin" and opened fire. Waha received seven wounds from which he died on the spot. His friend was hit by two bullets and died soon after medics. A group of representatives of the criminal world of the CIS , including the Russian Federation, arrived at the funeral. According to the investigators , the murder was a continuation of the criminal war in the environment of "thieves" , which began in late 2013 and is associated with the redistribution of control over the vegetable markets of Russia.

Bakhish Aliyev was " crowned " in 2004 at a major thieves' meeting in Moscow. However, in 2005 Aliyev got in trouble . Then in Moscow, Gulaga Huseynov, the elder brother of the businessman Feyzuli Huseynov, was kidnapped. Soon the businessman was called by Waha's people, who demanded $5 million for the release of the prisoner. Feyzuli Huseynov addressed to the General Directorate of the Interior Ministry in the Central Federal District (CFD) , whose officers arrested Waha, as well as some of his closest associates, soon. The operatives quickly found out that the "kingpin" had no relation to the abduction, but he only decided to make money from this story. As a result, Waha and his friends were convicted of fraud , and in 2006 the court sentenced them to five years in prison each .

After the " patron " of the market for wholesale greenery appeared behind the bars, it and other objects were claimed by another Azerbaijani criminal clan, led by Rovshan Janiyev ( Rovshan Lenkoransky ). A bloody war began among criminals, during which dozens of gangsters were killed. In particular, 25 November 2007 Raghif Rustamov was shot in a cafe in Baku .

Rovshan Janiyev was the winner of all these battles and up to 2008 he managed to take control of the wholesale market and trade of greens and several other vegetable markets .

In April 2009, Bakhish Aliyev was released and began to gather strength to continue the " war " with Rovshan Lenkoransky . As a result, he was able to find two powerful allies in the criminal world . They were the " kingpin" Nadir Salifov, who, like Waha , was born in the Dmanisi region of Georgia.

Lotu Guli back in 1996 was convicted in Azerbaijan for 27 years on charges of extortion , kidnapping and illegal possession of weapons. However , according to investigators , straight from prison, he acted as arbitrator in disputes in the Azerbaijani diaspora in the CIS countries , as well as led his criminal clan in Russia. In Russia, his "right hand " was Ilham Hajiyev.

In the conflict with Janiyev he was supported by one of the most influential " thieves" Aslan Usoyan (Grandfather Hasan) .

In January 2013 Aslan Usoyan was killed by a sniper in central Moscow . Ironically, after this, the positions of Rovshan Janiyev in the criminal world were tempered. He was hunted not only by people from the clan of Grandfather Hasan , but also by security forces, both Russian and European . He was even declared wanted by Interpol . Also in Moscow, were arrested the closest associates of Lenkoransky, Nazim Gumbatov ( Nazim Lame ) and Ulfat Tagiyev (Rufo Ganjansky) .

In such a situation Janiyev could not lead a full war with opponents and during 2013 most of his Ukrainian profitable objects went under the control of Bakhish Aliyev and Russian markets were got by Nadir Salifov and another " thief in law " Ali Heydarov. He was " crowned " in 2012 under the patronage of Ded Hasan and very quickly gained serious weight in the criminal world .

However coexistence of the three " thieves in law " did not work . " The question was not only control of the markets , but generally the primacy throughout the Azeri mafia," said one of the operatives.

As a result, a new war is between former adversaries of Rovshan Janiyev started. The source said that in late 2013 Lotu Guli , who considers himself the biggest winner over Janiyev, announced his claim to a number of markets , controlled at the time by Ali Heydarov, but he refused to share profitable entities. Between " thieves in law " there were some nasty phone calls and the serious conflict ended .

March 17, 2014 the GUUR staff of the Interior Ministry detained in St. Petersburg two killers with guns, who appear to have arrived in the northern capital to eliminate Ali Heydarov. During the investigation it was found that the mercenaries were sent by the "right hand " of Lotu Guli, Ilham Hajiyev. In early April 2014 , the detectives arrested him in Moscow , where they had to use their weapons . As a result, the "authority" was injured .

According to the investigators , in the conflict between Lotu Guli and Ali Heydarov Waha took the side of the latter. Nadir Salifof regarded such behavior of his countryman as a betrayal. The detectives found out that last week Lotu Guli made ??a few calls from the prison to his people in Odessa. And shortly thereafter Bakhish Aliyev was shot in one of the restaurants .

 " "By and large, started a new war crime , which will take many lives," Rosbalt's source noted. "No negotiations between the parties are possible now. And to resolve issues peacefully is extremely unusual for representatives of the Azerbaijani criminal world." -02D-

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